بنات ابي منكم مساعده عاجلة لخطاب ابي اقدمه للمدير في العمل اليوم الصباح ساعدوني ....
طلب اجازة
سعادة المدير ......
انا الموظفة ...................اتقدم بطلب اجازة للراسة في كندا فماهي مدة الاجازة الممنوحة لي في هذة الحالة علما انه يوجد لدي رصيد اجازة سابق شهر واحد فقط ...ارجو التكرم بالرد سريعا ...
خالص تحياتي
طبعا انجلش ...

وديان العسل @odyan_alaasl
عضوة فعالة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

وديان العسل
للرفع الله يخليكم

His Excellency the Director ......
I ................... the employee request a Vacation to go study in Canada What is the duration of the vacation granted to me in this case, note that there is a previous balance of vacation only one month
ان شاء الله اكون أفدتك بالتوفيق ان شاء الله...دعواتك الحلوة
I ................... the employee request a Vacation to go study in Canada What is the duration of the vacation granted to me in this case, note that there is a previous balance of vacation only one month
ان شاء الله اكون أفدتك بالتوفيق ان شاء الله...دعواتك الحلوة

Leave request
His Excellency the Director
I ................... I request the employee to leave his head in Canada, their bets, what their period of leave granted in this case, I note that I have the balance of leave a month and only one ... I kindly request to respond quickly ...
earliMy sincere greetingser
His Excellency the Director
I ................... I request the employee to leave his head in Canada, their bets, what their period of leave granted in this case, I note that I have the balance of leave a month and only one ... I kindly request to respond quickly ...
earliMy sincere greetingser

الصفحة الأخيرة