السلام عليكم
عندي مادة اسمها التحليل اللغوي المقارن للاخطاء
وانا جالسة اذاكر للاختبار مرو علي ذول الجمل
المطلوب نصحح الجمل مع ذكر السبب ونوع الخطا
وهذولا الجمل
1-The film very interesting
2- We went to the shope flower
3-we heard the news in the radio
4-The streets are tall
5- The heat made the metal to melt
6- you can to stay with us
7- He teaching english
8- He has wreeten letter to him last year
9- There is no different between the two questions
ممكن بنات تصححونهم لي
والف شكر
بقاياهمس @bkayahms
عضوة نشيطة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.
الصفحة الأخيرة
We went to the flower shop( the adjective must come before the noun)
We heard the news on the radio ( needs different preposition)
)The streets are long. ( better to use different adjective which is long
The heat made the metal melt ( no need for the word to)
You can stay with us .( no need for the word to)
He teaches English . ( using simple present tense to describe people and their jobs at the present time)
He wrote letter to him last year.(needs simple past tense to describe an action happened and finished at a specific time in the past and if he uses in the last year as an adverb he can use the present perfect tense which indicates not a specific time and the result of the action is still exists )
]There is no difference between the two questions. ( needs noun instead of adjective)