
مجاااااهدة @mgaaaaahd

الوسام الفضي

المواقع التي تقدم اكبر سعه تخزينيه كبيرة للبريد

الحاسب والجوال


Indian and Asian largest mailing side the Rediffmail.com has inrcreased thier mailing queta from 5MB to 1GB.It gives the life time free mail for net user.


The Arabian largest mailing side the Maktoob.com also increased thier mailing queta from 20MB to 1GB .Its has own searching engine named as Batoota البحث .


The English mailing company the Spymac.com also gives 1000MB free mail for internet user.It also given u free photo starage with 250MB as well as given u 100MB free hosting.


The largest searching engine the Google.com has decleared that it gives u 1GB free mail with name of Gmail.com.It gives you life time free mail coming very soon.


The one of the best searching engine the Askjeeves.com has own mailing servic that is Excite.com has planned to increased thier mailing queta from 3MB to 125MB.


The world largest mailing side the Msn.com has decleared that he has planned to increase its inbox from 2MB to 250MB coming soon.


The free mailing side the Iwon.com has also decleared that he planned to increase its inbox from 6MB to 125MB in September.It has Color ful composing tools as well Stationary.

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

خير النساء
خير النساء
الاخت مجاااااهدة
اول شي الحمد على السلامة فاقدينك

ثاني شي شكرا على الموضوع

جزاك الله خير

لك تحياتي
الله يحيك يالغاليه ولا يحرمنا منك كنت باجازة والحمد لله عدنا بالسلامه
والشكر لك بعد الله فانتي الخير والبركه:26: