الى الاخت برحل بعيد اتمنى تشوفين الموضوع

اللغة الأنجليزية

اختي مااقدر ارد عليكي بالخاص عشان كذا حطيت طلبك في هالموضوع

i was trainee in an intermediate school at Aljarf quarter.The school was new.It contains of 12 calsses.On the first day, we greeted with respect.I have attanded enough of english classes for all the levels.I am teaching first grade average 8 classes in a week.Estimated number of students is between 26 to 30 in a class and their standard of living is bad.Before teaching , i asked the guiding students if my students have problems. Then, i discovered some healthy problems like epilepsy.Their linguistic level is varied , some are excellent and some are average.And some of them are ladies.There are three english language teachers.Thank God the school is very convenient ,the director and the teachers are very cooperative.Means , projector , and copy center are available in the school.First, the teacher guided me.At the beginning of the term , we had a meeting with the supervisor Afaf Alahmadi and she explained how the preparation should be.It should be divided to objectives,content,procedure, andevaluation. She was very cooperative and attanded three times.She liked my style in explaining and arranging ideas. I keen to take waiting classes for my student.Now , i will refer to the problems and successes that i faced in this period.

Problems , difficulties, challanges

1 problem of transportation

manage the class2

3 Time constraints and a lot of ideas
4 the difficulty of dealing with riotous student

5 in the waiting classes , the students did not respect the trainee


1Preparation of lesson plan, coordinated and comprehensive

2Attract their attention

3Manage the students

4Diversification of the means in each lesson

5 self confidence

6 prepare a suitable lesson with the time

7 Useing different methods of evaluation the students

8 Reading useful books and references

Finally, this period was difficult although it was gteat. I happy with my performance and i realized the exhausition that every teacher faced.

Before teaching , i asked the studentd to write some words that they have taken from the sixth grade to know thier level.

I asked them to write their opinion in the explaining and if they understand me or not

Some of their opinion: .

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

خليك أول من تشارك برأيها   💁🏻‍♀️