الى خبيرات اللغه ترجموا لي القصه قبل يوم السبت

اللغة الأنجليزية

الى خبيرات اللغه ترجموا لي القصه قبل يوم السبت
لاني ودي اسلمها بكرا
ترجمتها الى الانجليزيه بس الترجمه احسه ركيكه

عندما كان عمري ثمانيه عشر عاما في يوم الخميس. قررت والدتي الذهاب الى السوق ومعنا جدتي لشراء هديه لزوجه عمي لانها قد انجبت بنت. ذهبنا الى السوق واشترينا الهديه وبعض الحلويات. وكنا سوف نذهب في الليل لزياره زوجه عمي . عندما كنا في السوق رن هاتف امي وكان المتحدث ابي .سأ لنا هل سوف نتاخر ام لا .واخبرته امي اننا انتهينا من شراء الهديه.قال لها سوف ياتي عمي لأخذنا من السوق. وعندما اتى عمي واخذنا من السوق في طريقنا للبيت شاهدنا ابي وهو مسرع في السياره ولم ندري لماذا؟.عندما دخلنا البيت شاهدت جدي ممددا على الارض لم اعرف مابه.فاخبرني عمي ان جدي اغمي عليه وانهم اتصلوا على الاسعاف وابي ذهب عند مدخل الحاره لكي يقف للأسعاف و يأتوا الى المنزل.عم الصراخ والبكاء على المنزل وانتشر الحزن في بيتنا .اتى الاسعاف ونقلوا جدي المستشفى واخبروا ابي انها اعراض جلطه في القلب.ادخل المسشفى وبسرعه ادخل مركز العنايه الفائقه.واخبرونا ان الحاله مترديه ويجب نقله غدا الى الرياض.يجب علينا غدا تامين طائره اخلاء طبي لنقله الى الرياض.تم تامين الطائره وانها سوف تقلع في الساعه الخامسه عصر غدا.عند الساعه الحاديه عشر من صباح غد اتصل عمي وسأل عن والدي فاخبرته ان ابي للتو قد خرج الى المستشفى فاغلق السماعه .عند اذان الظهر اتى والدي وكانت الدموع تملأ عينيه واخبرنا ان جدي قد توفي وسوف يصلى عليه عصر اليوم.كان ذالك اليوم يوما مخزننا في حياتي ولن انساه ابدا ماحييت.بسبب فقدان شخص كان من اعز الناس الى قلبي .

When I was eighteen years old on Thursday. My mother decided to go to the market and us my grandfathre to buy a gift for my uncle's wife had given birth to daughter. We went to the market and we buy gift and some sweets. We will go at night to visit my uncle's wife. When we were in the market phone rang and my mother was the spokesman my father. Sa Are we will be delayed or not. Lamy and told him that we finished buying the gift. Said it will come to blindness taken of the market. When my uncle came from the market and we are on our way home saw my father Accelerator is in the car did not know why?. Entered the house when I saw seriously extended on the ground did not know Internment. Fajberni blindness that serious fainted and they contacted the ambulance and Abe went at the entrance to warm to stand for ambulance and come to the house. man screams and tears on the house and spread grief in our house. came ambulance and taken seriously the hospital and they told my father symptoms Thrombus in the heart. introduced Almshvi speeds Enter Center intensive care unit. tell and that the situation deteriorating and must move to Riyadh tomorrow. we must secure tomorrow a medical evacuation plane to take him to Riyadh. plane was secure and that they will take off at five o'clock tomorrow afternoon. atheist at ten tomorrow morning AT
الله يوفق اللي تساعدني ويحقق اللي ببالها

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

رياح الغربة
رياح الغربة
حطيت النص بموقع ترجمة طلع لي كذا::
When I was eighteen years old on Thursday. My mother decided to go to the market and us my grandmother to buy a gift for my uncle's wife had given birth to daughter. We went to the market and Astraena gift and some sweets. We will go at night to visit my uncle's wife. When we were in the market phone rang and my mother was the spokesman Abe. Sa Are we will be delayed or not. Lamy and told him that we finished buying the gift. Said it will come to blindness taken of the market. When my uncle came from the market and we are on our way home saw Abe Accelerator is in the car did not know why?. Entered the house when I saw seriously extended on the ground did not know Internment. Fajberni blindness that serious fainted and they contacted the ambulance and Abe went at the entrance to warm to stand for ambulance and come to the house. man screams and tears on the house and spread grief in our house. came ambulance and taken seriously the hospital and they told Abe symptoms Thrombus in the heart. introduced Almshvi speeds Enter Center intensive care unit. tell and that the situation deteriorating and must move to Riyadh tomorrow. we must secure tomorrow a medical evacuation plane to take him to Riyadh. plane was secure and that they will take off at five o'clock tomorrow afternoon. atheist at ten tomorrow morning blindness contacted and asked my father Fajbernh my father had just come to the hospital down the receiver. ears when my father came back and had tears filled Tell us that the kind and earnest died and pray it will be this afternoon. had These forces today Mkhoznna days in my life will never forget Mahieddit. due to the loss of a person who was dearest to my heart.
فعلا اختي الترجمه ضعيفه
المشكله انها طويله يبي لها راسا صاحي
عطيني جزء منها اترجمه لك