الدكتورة علا أحمد
السلام عليكم
لم اسمع مثل ذلك التعليق على حليب الصويا
ياريت ام سارة تقول مصدر المعلومة من كتبها فى الجريدة
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والله يا دكتورة المعلومه كانت مكتوبه فى جريدة الاهرام المصريه و كانت مقال مكتوب فى صفحه كامله و يومها حمدت الله انى ارضع طبيعى و اخبرت حماتى و اخت زوجى ان يقراوا المقال ليحيطه من هذة الالبان و ربما كانت المقال من حوالى سنه و نصف تقريبا لكن لم انسى ما قرات لانى تناقشت فيه مع اخت زوجى و هى وقفت الحليب المحتوى على الصويا و بصراحه لم اهتم بحفظ المقال فى اوراقى لان عندى بنات لكن للامانه قلت لمن عندهم صبيان ان يقرأوة
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عملت بحث فى المواقع الاجنبيه ووجدت المعلومه فعلا هناك خوف منها على الاطفال و لم يحسم امر هذة الالبان من هل هى امنه تماما ام لا

Expert: Tanya Wright

Question: Is soya formula safe for my baby?
Tanya Wright: Government recommendations suggest you only give soya formula to your baby on the advice of a health professional, such as a dietitian, health visitor, paediatrician or GP.

Soya formula may be suitable for your baby if he has a cow's milk allergy or intolerance. But there are also lots of modified cow's milk-based formulas that are suitable for most babies with an allergy or intolerance. Make sure you seek medical advice on this to ensure your baby gets the best possible alternative to breast milk.

Soya formulas contain do glucose syrup, which can damage your baby's teeth with prolonged contact. To protect your baby's teeth:

• do not allow your baby to sleep with the bottle in her mouth

• transfer her to a feeding cup from around six months

• start cleaning your baby's teeth thoroughly and regularly as soon as her teeth appear. (Read more on caring for your baby's teeth.)

Dental care is free for children so make an appointment for your baby to see a dentist regularly and make sure you tell them your baby is having a soya formula.

Some parents also have concerns about the presence of phytoestrogens in soya formulas. Phytoestrogens are oestrogen-like substances that occur naturally in many plants, including soya. There is some concern that a large intake of these could have an adverse effect on babies' hormonal development. This is a controversial issue which is yet to be resolved and agreed upon by the experts. However, the Food Standards Agency advise that, until a full review of the evidence both supporting and opposing soya formula has been completed, there is no reason to stop your baby having a soya formula if it has been suggested by a health professional.
أم البتيل
أم البتيل
شكرا على المعلومات المهمه ,
انا طفلي له 3 شهور على الصويا.
أم البتيل
أم البتيل
شكرا على المعلومات المهمه ,
انا طفلي له 3 شهور على الصويا,بس غريبه الدكتور ماقالي وهو دكتور كبير مره في الحبيب !