اليكم بريد الفاتيكان يا من تريدون نصرة نبيكم

ملتقى الإيمان

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

بعد ان سمعتم تصريحات البابا بندكت بابا الفاتيكان الغير مقبولة بخصوص

رسولنا الكريم صلى الله عليه و سلم في اهانة اخرى للإسلام و المسلمين

التصريحات التي تأتي لتأكد ان الحرب المزعومة ضد الإرهاب هي ليست

الا حرب صليبية جديدة، كما اطلق عليها مجرم الحرب بوش، ضد الاسلام

و المسلمين و في محاولة لامتصاص الغضب الشعبي في العالم الاسلامي تخرج الفاتيكان بتصريح ان البابا لم يقصد اهانة المسلمين او ان يجرح شعورهم ..... يا سلام...!!

لمن لم يقرأ تصريحاته اليكم بها

http://www.islamonl ine.net/Arabic/news/2006- 09/15/04.shtml

يجب ان نستغل الفرصة للتعريف بنبينا و نشر ديننا

فلنقلبها عليهم و نأتى بنتيجه عكسية و نساعد الناس أن تقرأ عن الاسلام اكثر

و طبعا لابد من المطالبة باعتذار رسمي

يا جماعة كلما كان عددنا اكثريكون تأثيرنا اكبر باذن الله

واذا لم يكن لديك وقت فكل ما نطلبه منك هو دقائق معدودة في تصويت او كتابة رسالة احتجاج حتى الرسائل نكتبها لك حتى لا يكون لديك حجة لكن طبعا اذا كان عندك وقت و بتجيد اللغة يفضل ان تكتبها باسلوبك كى تعبر عن رأيك و مشاعرك الخاصة

اليكم المطلوب

1-مراسلة بابا الفاتيكان و مطالبته بالاعتذار و تذكيره ان تاريخهم مليىء بالدماء من الحروب الصليبية والحملات الدموية للتحويل الى المسيحيه في أمريكا الجنوبية واضطهاد اليهود و استخدام البابا أربان الثاني لمصطلح الحرب المقدسة...

يمكن مراسلته على العنوان التالي


قم بنسخ العنوان السابق في خانة ال to

بدلا من الضغط عليه لأن ذلك يؤدي لبعض الاخطاء

في نهاية رسالتي هذه يوجد رسالتين باللغة الانجليزية موجهه اليه اختر احدهما و قم بارسالها و يفضل ان كان لديك الوقت ان تقوم بكتابة رسالة خاصة بك

2-CNNيوجد تصويت على موقع ال

http://www.cnn.com/2006/ WORLD/europe/09/15/pope.islam/index. html

هل ينبغي على بابا الفاتيكان ان يعتذر عن تصريحاته ضد الاسلام؟

نتيجة التصويت ليست في صالحنا

Should Pope Benedict XVI apologize for his remarks on Islam?


3934 votes


8307 votes

Total: 12241 votes

من فضلك قم بالتصويت فلن يكلفك الا دقيقة

لقد اخطأ في حقنا فأقل ما يقوم به هو الاعتذار


ABC NEWS تصويت اخر على موقع


هل ينبغي على بابا الفاتيكان ان يعتذرللمسلمين عن تصريحاته؟

* لا . فقد اقتبس كلامه من شخصية تاريخية

* نعم لأن تصريحاته كانت مسيئة و غير ضرورية

* لا أدري، كانت تصريحاته خاطئة و لكن انتقادات الاعلام تفي بالغرض

نتيجة التصويت ايضا ليست في صالحنا

No. He was simply quoting a historic figure.


Yes. His statements were inflammatory and unnecessary.


Not sure. His comments were wrong, but all the negative press makes the point.


Total Vote: 2,626


BBC شارك بتعليقك على موقع ال

http://newsforums.bbc.co.uk/nol/thread.jspa?threadID= 3822&&&&&editionfiltered=2&ttl=20060915224218

او على احد المواقع او المنتديات الاجنبية الاخرى التي قد ترغب في المشاركة بها لتعرفهم من هو نبيك و ما هو الاسلام اليكم روابط قد يكون مفيد يمكن ان تقوموا بنشرها على منتدياتهم



ما هو الجهاد

http://www.islamonline.net/servlet/Satellite?cid=111950354355 4&pagename=IslamOnline-English-Ask_Scholar%2FFatwaE% 2FFatwaEAskTheSc holar

و اخيرا اليكم رسالتين لتقوم باختيار احدها وارسالها الى بابا الفاتيكان

To: Benedict XVI; the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church

We, the Muslim people, would like to object to your recent comments about our prophet Mohammad and our religion…

Your comments illustrate your complete ignorance of our religion …

We demand an immediate apology to all Muslims and to be more considerate next time…

Let me remind you of this

"VATICAN CITY (CNS) – The Vatican, commenting on a series of satirical newspaper cartoons that have outraged Muslims, said freedom of ___expression does not include the right to offend religious sentiments."

What do you call this? Hypocracy?

I also I don’t accept the claim that you did not mean to offend Muslims or to insult our prophet.

Having read the whole speech, I really fail to see how a 600 year old quotation describing Muslims as evil and inhumane is at all appropriate in the context of this speech. It just seems to be a dig at Prophet Mohammad to me, and to all of us.

It is also funny that you have chosen to quote a Byzantine emperor whose family had to flee Constantinople due to the attacks by the crusaders. Even in the 15th century attempts at starting a Latin crusade failed as "the Greeks thought that the Byzantine civilization which was centered at the Orthodox faith would be more secure under Ottoman rule, and preferred to sacrifice their political freedom in order to preserve their religion" --- extracted from wikipedia

It is also a fact that far more non-believers have been killed by Christians than any other world religion…!!!

The Church has no right to point a finger at any religion after all the blood-stained conversions in South America and after the coercion of the church by Hitler's regime to exterminate Jews.

Your quotation was an essential part of Christian propaganda to justify the crusades with no basis of truth. A closer look at history will show you how great tolerance was shown by Muslim rulers to other religions.

And finally let me provide you with a couple of versus from the Qur'an that PROOF that Islam is a religion of peace and was never spread by the sword

"Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from error"

"Allah commands justice, the doing of good, and liberality to kith and kin, and He forbids all shameful deeds, and injustice and rebellion: He instructs you, that ye may receive admonition." (An-Nahl: 90)

“But if the enemy inclines towards peace, do thou also incline towards peace and trust in Allah.” (Al-Anfâl: 61)

“Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits”.

*{O you who believe! Stand out firmly for God as witnesses to Justice; and let not the hatred of a people cause you to swerve from justice; be just; that is the closest to piety}* (Al-Ma'idah 5:8).

"if they let you alone, and did not wage war against you and hold out their hands in peace towards you, then Allah has never sanctioned you to wage war against them." (An-Nisa': 90).

Finally, Muslims do not attack others unless they attack them first. The Qur'an says what means: *{Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! Allah loveth not, aggressors.} * (Al-Baqarah 2:190)


الرسالة الثانيه من احد الأعضاء

To: Benedict XVI; Popes of the Roman Catholic Church

In a very critical era in man-kind’s history where violence is nourished by extremists and calls from wise people to peace to prevail, we the undersigned have been shocked as many other millions of Muslims over the world by the statement you have said in your lecture in Regensburg University during your last visit to Germany about Islam and Prophet (Muhammad) PBUH.

We, the Muslims, respect Christianity as a religion from God that came before Islam and our faith is not complete until we believe in Christianity as a religion from our God and Christ as a messenger of God (Allah).

You have criticized Islam and the Islamic concept of Jihad as unreasonable and against God's nature..!!

Not only that, but also quoted (i.e. you like to say) that prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the last messenger from God, did not bring any good but evil & inhumane things.

You have portrayed Islam as a religion which endorses violence, where faith is "spread by the sword".

Sir, we want to tell you that these remarks are unacceptable and demonstrate ignorance &/or dishonesty of the Islam faith. We invite you to read and learn more about Islam.

You mix between a great religion established more than 1400 years ago and have followers of more than 1500000000 (one and a half billion) believers over the world and violence.

Islam invites people to peace, tolerance, equality & justice.

I want to tell you that at the moment you spread hatred against Islam, it is the highest religion in the world that have new believers from other religions joining it through talking only, not by sword as you said. Only because they believe as we believe that Islam is the last religion from God and that Islam is a great faith.

The history of the Roman Catholic Church had violent chapters. After the bloodstained conversions in South America, the crusades in the Muslim world, the coercion of the Church by Hitler's regime, and even the coining of the phrase 'holy war' by Pope Urban II, I do not think the Church should point a finger at extremist activities in other religions.

In your speech you overlooked the fact that Islam was the cradle of science and that Muslims were the first to translate Greek philosophers before they became part of European history.

As you said that, we did not hear you asking the killers of innocent Muslims in Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon & Palestine to stop killing them. You did not take any measures to protest or to prevent that. Those killers of hundreds of thousands of Muslims are mainly Christians Sir...!!!

We demand that you retract any wrong to Islam and the prophet of Islam immediately and clearly.






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