السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
انا عندى اساله واجابتهم بس انا ابغى اعيد صياغة الاجابه لانها نموذجيه في المطلوب منى انى اكتبها بصياغتى انا موصياغه الكتاب
فالله يسعدها منى الي بتساعدني في ها الشي الاجابه مو جوده بس ابغى تكون بصيغه ثانيه غير صياغه الكتاب
السوال الاول
List and describe the physical components used with ADSL technology.
At the customer's premises, there must be a splitter in each telephone wall jack. One subjack is for telephones, the other for a NIC.
Transmission takes place over the existing single pair of voice-grade UTP that already runs to the customer premises.
At the telephone company's end office, there is a DSL access multiplexer (DSLAM). This connects to the telephone network for voice traffic and to a data network for data traffic.
السوال الثاني
What is a remote access VPN?
A remote access VPN is a VPN used to connect an individual user to a corporate site.
السوال الثالث
a) How does Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) work
b) What are MPLS’s attractions
a) Multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) works by adding a label before the IP packet, and label-switching routers base forwarding decisions on the label’s value, which they look up in a single row in the label-switching table.
b) The main attraction of MPLS is that it reduces routing costs.
MPLS’s other attractions are that it can provide quality of service for voice and other time-critical traffic flows, as well as doing load balancing across different routes for efficiency.
السوال الرابع
a) What is hacking?
b) Why do hackers send probe packets into networks?
c) What steps do hackers usually take after a break-in?
a) Hacking is using a computer resource without authorization or in excess of authorization.
b) Hackers send probe packets into the firm’s network because probe packets can elicit responses that reveal information about the firm’s general network design and about its individual computers—including their operating systems.
c) After a break-in, a hacker usually tries to erase the operating system’s log files so that the computer’s rightful owner cannot trace how the attacker broke in or gather evidence to find and prosecute the attacker. The attacker will also often create a backdoor and then do damage.
السوال الخامس
a) What is authentication?
b) Distinguish between the applicant and the verifier.
c) What are credentials?
a) Authentication is requiring someone requesting to use a resource to prove his or her identity.
b) The applicant is the user trying to prove his or her identity.
The verifier is the party requiring the applicant to prove his or her identity.
c) Credentials are proof of identity that the applicant provides to the verifier.
السوال السادس
Describe the difference between symmetric key encryption and public key encryption for confidentiality.
In symmetric key encryption, the two sides use the same key to encrypt message to each other and to decrypt incoming messages.
In public key encryption, each side has a public key and a private key, so there are four keys in total. The sender encrypts messages with the receiver’s public key. The receiver, in turn, decrypts incoming messages with the receiver’s own private key. Only the receiver knows his or her own private key, so the receiver can decrypt the message.
الله يوفق من تساعدني

honey1 @honey1
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