
antwanet @antwanet

محررة برونزية

الي ممتازة بالانجلش تتفضل

اللغة الأنجليزية

مساء الخير هذه اسئله واريد اتأكد من اجابتي

وهي باللون الاحمر

1. Underline the correct question for the following sentence:

- We are Clara and Jina.

a. Where are they?

b. How are you?

c. What are they?

d. Who are you?

2. Choose the correct conjunction to complete the sentence:

- We ca have an exam on Saturday --------------- Sunday.

a. too b. or c. but d. also

3. Put the verb in the correct tense:

- All my family members (to be) ----were------------- at the party yesterday.

- She usually (to go) -----goes----------- to school on foot.

- He always (to work) ----works----------- 8 in the morning to 5 in the evening.

4. Write one sentence using ‘have got’:

------------I have got a laptop-----------------------------------------------------------------------------.

5. Choose the correct alternative:

- She (has – is – has got – be) 20 years old.

6. Put the following sentence in the negative form:

All the students were present for the exam.

All the students weren't present for the exam.

عندي برقراف واريد اتأكد من كتابته اذا ممكن في نهاية البرقراف ماعرفت اصيغ الي اريده ..

online shopping
With the advancement of technology every thing is become deal with the internet people can learn any science on the net also pay the bill and communicate with other people in the world even the shopping on the internet there are many website that can buy from it choose the product and pay the money by cridet card or fill out information and every transaction is very easy .we don't need a car or carry the bag . the online shopping is save the time and the gas and enegy but we can't try or touch the clothes so I like it but resort buy on it just for a necessary .

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

أم مشعل لفن الطبخ
حبيبتي إجاباتك كلها صحيحة ماعدا 2 و4
2: الجواب or لأنها جمله تخيير (نستطيع أخذ الإمتحان إما السبت أو الأحد)
4: have got: هي لللأشياء اللي إلزاميا تسوينها يعني تقدرين تقولين
I have got to be at school before 6:30
ونادر جدا يجي معناها الأشياء اللي تملكينها مثل الللاب توب بس أرجعي للقاعدة بكتابكم وشوفي الأمثلة فيها

بالنسبة للبراقراف محتاجة تعديلات كثير من ناحية الزمن والحروف الكبيرة وهاذي هي بدووون أخطاء لعيونك ومابي منك غير دعوة صادقه من جوا قلبك:
Online Shopping
With the advancement of technology, every thing has become a deal with the internet. People can learn any science online, pay the bills, communicate with other people in the world and even shop on the internet. There are many websites that you can buy from. You will choose the product and pay the money by credit card or fill out information and every transaction is very easy .We don't need a car to get to the shop or carry the bag . The online shopping saves the time, the gas and the enegy but we can't try or touch the clothes which makes it......
ما عرفت صراحة وش قصدك بالجمله الأخيرة
الله يوفقك وأتمنى أكون ساعدتك
تسلمي اختي
عن الجملة الي فيها
I have got to be at school before 6:30
بالكتاب مكتوب كذا مثال
sandra has got brown hair
واغلب الامثله كذا بالملكيه صايره
بالكتاب كذا اختي
بالملكيه او وصف الاشياء والناس والحيوانات او وصف ا لعائلات والناس الي نعرفها
لذا كتبت المثال كذا بالنهايه
she has got black hair

واريد اختي ترشحي لي كتاب اقرأه يناسب مستواي
مع اسم المؤلف وشلون اختار الكتاب