امانه ساعدوني <<< راجعي الإعلان المثبت


بنات امانه ساعدوني انا بجامعه وناقص علي درجات ومطلوب مني بحث عن عمل تطوعي

باللغه الانجليزيه وربي الي تساعدني لدعي لها بكل صلاه

الله يجزاك الجنه تكفون

ويسعدكم ويوفقكم والله اني محتاجهـ

هذا الموضوع مغلق.

لمسات عفاف
لمسات عفاف
للرفع للعيونك
رنيم الشواق
رنيم الشواق
يعني شنوووووووووو
رفع ربنا يوفقك
قاهرتهم ببتسامتي
اول ششي ي الغغلا الامانه حرام لاني الرسول عليه السلام ناهي عنهاا
ثاني ششي هذا المقااااااال واأدعيلي :

Why Do People Volunteer?
People volunteer for a number of different reasons, ranging from a desire to learn new skills, have fun or make a difference. Some are completely devoted to the cause, while others simply wish to do their bit where they can. In actual fact, many of the reasons for volunteering abroad are the same as those for volunteering at home but here there is the added bonus of getting to travel. However volunteering abroad is a much more meaningful experience, taking you further out of your comfort zone and offering far greater
The Personal Benefits of Volunteer ****
Have you ever felt the desire to help your community, but wondered how you would would find the time for others? While altruism is arguably the best motivator for enlisting with a charitable organization, there are many tangible personal advantages to giving your time for nonprofit ****. Whether you are a student, a ****ing professional or a stay-at-home mom, volunteering is an excellent way to gain **** experience and broaden your social net****
Professional Benefits
For one, volunteer **** will flesh out your resume and set you apart from the crowd. Past charity **** says a lot about your character, giving you a multi-dimensional personality and highlighting your good nature. Even more importantly, volunteer positions show future employers your drive and dedication. Such accomplishments demonstrate initiative, personal will, leadership skills and the ability to **** hard.

Another motivation for volunteering is to broaden your horizons and develop new skills that could be beneficial to your career. You may discover interests you were unaware of, learn more about a subject that appeals to you, or even choose a new career path!
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اذا ماوجدتي من يساعدك انا بخلي بنتي تساعدك والله يووووفقك يارب