السلام على جميع العضوات الكريمات
يشرفني اني انضم لكم و اكون عضوه اساهم في تطوير الراغبين في تحسين مستواهم في اللغه الانجليزيه
انا استاذه لغه انجليزيه متخرجه بامتياز ولله الحمد حاليا ادرس المرحله الاعداديه في الامارات
و انا جاهزه اني اعلم و اتعلم :27:
ام بوغنيم @am_boghnym
عضوة جديدة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.
رياح الغربة
الله يحييك بيننا عزيزتي
You are welcome here.
I think if you prepare something which may improve us in conversation would be better
I think if you prepare something which may improve us in conversation would be better
thanks for all of you
of couse I will participate with all of you offering my best efforts .
but I would like to tell you something
I'm very busy woman and that may affect my participations and my attendance but I promise to do my best :)
I also insest that I need your help to improve me because learing is a nonending job
و الله يعطيكم العافيه و يوفق الجميع انشا الله
thanks again
of couse I will participate with all of you offering my best efforts .
but I would like to tell you something
I'm very busy woman and that may affect my participations and my attendance but I promise to do my best :)
I also insest that I need your help to improve me because learing is a nonending job
و الله يعطيكم العافيه و يوفق الجميع انشا الله
thanks again
الصفحة الأخيرة