أم أميرة @am_amyr_2
عضوة جديدة
انصحونى وادعولى
اخواتى العزيزات احتاج مساعد تكم ياريت اللى عندها خبره فى المقابله الشخصيه لمعلمات اللغه الانجليزيه تساعد نى فى طريقه الاسئلة وطبيعتها بالاخص فى دولة الامارات وارجوا انكم تدعوا لى بالتوفيق:time::06::19:
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

I will try to help you as possiple as I can
Try to go over the books you might teach
Revise the words you have taken before
Relax and smile before you enter because
this will give them a good impression
Tell us what happen to you
Good luck
I will try to help you as possiple as I can
Try to go over the books you might teach
Revise the words you have taken before
Relax and smile before you enter because
this will give them a good impression
Tell us what happen to you
Good luck

الصفحة الأخيرة
:26: :26: