انقليش انقليش مين تجوابه!!!!!!!

اللغة الأنجليزية

بنات مين تحل انا مش فهمه ايش مطلوب:44:

Edit and rewrite the following paragraph . lookfor problems in the following:

Count andnoncount nouns.

Such as.

appositives .

I don't liketo cook, but I love to make pie. I make many different kinds of pies. Such as pumpkin pie, apple pie, andcherry pie. Some pie is easy to make. For apple pie, you only need two pound ofapple, a few sugar, and some spices. Other pie is harder to make. Pecan is apie that has nuts instead of fruit. It is much ****. It takes a long time tomake a good pecan pie.

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

عيون المها333
عيون المها333
ضاوية 2
ضاوية 2
المطلوب تعديل البرقراف وتصحيح الاخطاء من ناحية الاسماء المعدودة
مثلا few sugar
some sugar
ام عبودة4
ام عبودة4
رفع بالتوفيق ياعسل
ام عبودة4
ام عبودة4
I don't like to cook, but I love to make pies. I make many different kinds of pies. Such as pumpkin pie, apple pie, and cherry pie. Some pies are easy to make. For apple pie, you only need two pounds] of apple, some sugar, and some spices. Other pies are harder to make. Pecan is a pie that has nuts instead of fruit. It is much ****. It takes a long time to make a good pecan pie.