انما الاعمال بالنيات .. ترجمه

اللغة الأنجليزية

يسعد مسائكم اخووواتي :icon10:
حبيت تساعدوني جعل من تساعدني جعل ادينها ماتمسها النار وياجعل والدنها في الجنه ..

ممكن تترجمون لي هاذا النص:icon20:

انما الاعمال بالنيات

كان احد الامراء يتجول فى مملكته ، فاذا به يجد بستانا جميلا لاحد الناس
فدخل البستان ، فوجد بنت صغيره. فقال لها : لمن هذا البستان ؟ فقالت لأبى فقال لها الا يوجد شراب نتناوله.
فذهبت قليلا ثم عادت باناء كبير، وبه عصير الرمان الجميل . فتناوله الامير فاعجب به . فقال للبنت من اين اتيتي بهذا العصير ، قالت البنت من رمان لنا فى الحديقه قال فكم رمانه صنعت كل ذلك العصير قالت رمانه واحده.
فتعجب الامير
وقال لها إتيني بعصير مرة ثانيه . فذهبت البنت واثناء ذهابها قال الامير لنفسه ، كيف تكون هذه السلاله فى مملكتي ولا تكون لي .
فقال عندما اعود الى بيتي سأمر الجنود ان يضمو هذه الحديق الي حدائقي . ثم عادت البننت ومعها الشراب
فاذا به نصف الكميه ومذاقه شديد المراراة لاطعم له .
فقال الامير للبنت : اهذا نفس الرمان الذي اتيتي به سابقا ؟ قالت نعم . ومن نفس الشجرة ؟ قالت نعم . قال لها الامير وكم رمانه صنعت هذا ؟ قالت خمس رمانات .
الذي حدث كي يتغير طعمه وتقل الكميه مع انها خمس رمانات ويتغير طعمه بعد ان كان حلو المذاق
قالت البنت لعل نية الامير تغيرت!
" احبتي لاتفسد اعمالك الطيبه بنيات سيئه واكثر من النيات الطيبه في العمل الواحد فقديما قالوا النيات تجارة العلماء حولك حتي لاتفقد من هم منحوك الثقه وعاملوك بنيه طيبه ..

ربي اسعد واحفظ وارزق بحجم لسماء السابعه يالله الي تترجم لي النص
وتوفقها وترزقها من حيث لاتحتسب ياحي ياقيووم

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

سهام الليل1
سهام الليل1
Actions are but by intentions

Was one of the princes wandering in his kingdom , if it finds a beautiful orchard of one people
Entered the orchard, and found a little girl . He said to her : For whom is this garden ? She said to her father , he said , but no syrup we eat .
So I went a little bit and then returned a pot large , and has a beautiful pomegranate juice . Vtnolh Prince Vojb . He said to the girl where Atete this juice , pomegranate girl said of us in the park told how Rommaneh made ​​it all the juice Rommaneh said one .
Marveled Prince
He told her Latin juice again . I went to the girl and she went during the prince said to himself, how to be a dynasty in the kingdoms of this and do not be me .
He said, when I go back to my home will order the soldiers to Admo this Alhaddik to Haddaúqa . Abannnt and then returned with her drink
If by half the amount and taste very Alemrarah for him to feed .
Prince said the girl : Is this the same pomegranate which Atete previously ? She said yes . It is the same tree ? She said yes . He told her how much Prince Rommaneh made ​​this ? She said five grenades .
That has occurred in order to change the taste and less quantity with it's five grenades and changing tastes after it was sweet
Perhaps the girl said the intention Prince changed !
" PowerPoint Presentation for your business Atvsd Taybeh structures bad more than good intentions at **** per Vkadima said intentions Trade scientists around so they do not lose from Mnhok Aamilok trust and good faith ..
Actions are but by intentions Was one of the princes wandering in his kingdom , if it finds a beautiful orchard of one people Entered the orchard, and found a little girl . He said to her : For whom is this garden ? She said to her father , he said , but no syrup we eat . So I went a little bit and then returned a pot large , and has a beautiful pomegranate juice . Vtnolh Prince Vojb . He said to the girl where Atete this juice , pomegranate girl said of us in the park told how Rommaneh made ​​it all the juice Rommaneh said one . Marveled Prince He told her Latin juice again . I went to the girl and she went during the prince said to himself, how to be a dynasty in the kingdoms of this and do not be me . He said, when I go back to my home will order the soldiers to Admo this Alhaddik to Haddaúqa . Abannnt and then returned with her drink If by half the amount and taste very Alemrarah for him to feed . Prince said the girl : Is this the same pomegranate which Atete previously ? She said yes . It is the same tree ? She said yes . He told her how much Prince Rommaneh made ​​this ? She said five grenades . That has occurred in order to change the taste and less quantity with it's five grenades and changing tastes after it was sweet Perhaps the girl said the intention Prince changed ! " PowerPoint Presentation for your business Atvsd Taybeh structures bad more than good intentions at **** per Vkadima said intentions Trade scientists around so they do not lose from Mnhok Aamilok trust and good faith ..
Actions are but by intentions Was one of the princes wandering in his kingdom , if it finds a...
you used Google translator , a lot of mistakes
>سهام الليل
يعطيك العافيه سهام للليل

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:( وينكم