سلام عليكم بنات الواحة الانجليزيه
بنتي مطلوب منها موضوع عن بنت تتنقل في مدن السعوديه يعني جده مكة المدينة الرياض الدمام ..
بأسلوب قصة ..
ان شاء الله طلبي واضح..
جزاكم الله خير..ما تقصرون:26:

أنا مين؟ @ana_myn
محررة برونزية
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

هي باي صف وان شاء الله اقدر اساعدك؟

أنا مين؟ :
sixth grade :) بأنتظارك .. الله يجزاك خيرsixth grade :) بأنتظارك .. الله يجزاك خير
Sara is an eleven-year old girl. She loves her school very much. Her favourite subject is geography. One day, her geography teacher asked her to wirte a report about a city that she has visited before. Sara thought very deeply about what to write. Then, she decided to write about the main Saudi cities which she visited last summer. First, she wrote about the capital city, Riyadh. She liked the variety of shopping malls there, and particularly she loved visiting Al Faisalia and Al Mamlaka towers. In Jeddah, on the other hand, Sara was fond of the beach and its golden sands. However, Sara wrote most enthusiastically about her journey on the train that connects Riyadh and Damman. She was impressed by the view of the oil rigs in the Gulf. Sara is absolutely proud of her country and enjoys doing a report about its cities.

الصفحة الأخيرة