السلام عليكم يا حلووووووووووووات:)
بما اني مره مشغوله بالامتحاااانات راح اختصر كلامي مرررره لانو بصراحه ما عندي وقت احك شعر راسي
انا عارفه انكم راعين فزعات و مساعدات و كلنا لبعض هون الله يخليكم ياااااااارب
انا عندي امتحان الدراما اعطتنا فيه مسرحيتين مرررررررره حلوه بس المشكله اني مو قادره اسوي عليها انالسيس و تعليق كامل تعرفون لغتنا بالانجلش مو ذيك زي اخوانا الهنود لمن يتكلوا اربك
الدكتوره شرحت على السريع الكراكتر و كمان البولت و الكلاي ماكس و الكونفلكت و كلوووووو من مجاميعو يعني
بس احنا ما امدانا نكتب معها يالله بالكاد بعد انتبهنا انا دورت بهالنت ما طلعلي الا المسرحيه نفسها من دوون التعليق تبعها
الله يسعدكم و يحقق اللي تبووووون اللي عندها من قبل ملازم للمسرحيه حقتي او تعليق شامل كامل تكتبه هووووووووون
و الله ما انساها من دعائي و اعتبرها خدمه انسانيه عضيمه و معروف كبير
ما تدرون يا اخواتي وش كثر الحزن و ضيقه الصدر اللي انا فيها و كمان على قلبي هم مثل الجبال
تكفوووووووووووووووووووون تكفوووووووووووووووووووووووون تكفوووووووووووووووووووون
تروا تكفى تهز النسااااااااوين """""""""" وقفوا بجنبي و فرجوا همي و فرحوا قلبي
علما ان المسرحيتين هم
the proposal
by anto chekhov
و الثااااااانيه العله الاخرى هي
here we are
by dorothy parker
انا متحطمه حيييييييييييل وشلون احل بالاقزام و ما عندي الشرح بتاعها
دااااخله على الله ثم عليكم تطلعونه من تحت الارض من طأأأأأأأأأطيء الارض بس المهم و الشرط تكون صح و خاليه من القرامر و بعد السبيلنق
اتحرااااكااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااام مستعجله علينا ثاني يوم و ابي اذاكر الله يسعدكم يارب
كويكلي لي انا انتضركم لا تتركوني اهئ اهئ اهئ اهئ اهئ >>>>>> الى كذا و ما كسرت خاطركم:(
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

اختي هدى اعصابك
ان شاء الله اقدر اساعدك
انا قد قريتها من قبل لما اختبرت المعيديه
دقائق وراجعه اشرحها لك مع انه مو معي الكتاب تبعها بس بحاول اساعدك
وان شا ء الله ما تاخرت
ان شاء الله اقدر اساعدك
انا قد قريتها من قبل لما اختبرت المعيديه
دقائق وراجعه اشرحها لك مع انه مو معي الكتاب تبعها بس بحاول اساعدك
وان شا ء الله ما تاخرت

على فكررره اول مسرحيه
اسمها A Marriage Proposal بس ترجمتها بشكل مبسط الى Proposal
A Marriage Proposal is about the tendency of wealthy families to seek other wealthy families, to increase their estates by encouraging marriages that made good economic sense, and the problems that arise in marriage.
In Chekhov's Russia, marriage was a mean of economic stability for most people. They marry to gain wealth and possessions. In this particular play, the concept of marriage is being satirized to show the real purpose of marriage. Marriage is portrayed as a materialistic gain and not for the reason of true love. The satire is conveyed successfully by emphasizing the couple's foolish arguments over small things. The main arguments in the play revolve around "The Oxen Meadows" and two dogs called "Ugadi and Otkatai".
In the play, Ivan Vassilevich Lomov, a long-time wealthy neighbor of Stepan Stepanovich Chubukov (who is also wealthy) has come to propose marriage to Chubukov's 25-year-old daughter, Natalya. After he has asked and received permission to marry Natalya, she is invited into the room, and he tries to convey to her the proposal. He fails. Lomov is a hypochondriac, and, while trying to make clear his reasons for being there, he gets into arguments with Natalia and ends up having "palpitations" and a numb leg. After her father notices they are arguing, he joins in, and then sends Ivan out of the house. Stepan then tells his daughter that Lomov was about to propose, and at this news she immediately starts "dying" and screams for her father to bring him back. He does, and Natalya and Ivan get into a second big argument, this time about the dogs. Ivan collapses and they fear he's died. However, after a few minutes he regains consciousness, and Chubukov all but forces him and his daughter to accept the proposal with a kiss. Immediately following the kiss, the couple get into yet another argument. Here the play ends
Stepan Stepanovitch Chubukov - A landowner.
Natalya Stepanovna - Stepan's daughter, 25 years old.
Ivan Vassilevitch Lomov - A large and hearty neighbor of Chubukov, but a very suspecious landowner.
اسمها A Marriage Proposal بس ترجمتها بشكل مبسط الى Proposal
A Marriage Proposal is about the tendency of wealthy families to seek other wealthy families, to increase their estates by encouraging marriages that made good economic sense, and the problems that arise in marriage.
In Chekhov's Russia, marriage was a mean of economic stability for most people. They marry to gain wealth and possessions. In this particular play, the concept of marriage is being satirized to show the real purpose of marriage. Marriage is portrayed as a materialistic gain and not for the reason of true love. The satire is conveyed successfully by emphasizing the couple's foolish arguments over small things. The main arguments in the play revolve around "The Oxen Meadows" and two dogs called "Ugadi and Otkatai".
In the play, Ivan Vassilevich Lomov, a long-time wealthy neighbor of Stepan Stepanovich Chubukov (who is also wealthy) has come to propose marriage to Chubukov's 25-year-old daughter, Natalya. After he has asked and received permission to marry Natalya, she is invited into the room, and he tries to convey to her the proposal. He fails. Lomov is a hypochondriac, and, while trying to make clear his reasons for being there, he gets into arguments with Natalia and ends up having "palpitations" and a numb leg. After her father notices they are arguing, he joins in, and then sends Ivan out of the house. Stepan then tells his daughter that Lomov was about to propose, and at this news she immediately starts "dying" and screams for her father to bring him back. He does, and Natalya and Ivan get into a second big argument, this time about the dogs. Ivan collapses and they fear he's died. However, after a few minutes he regains consciousness, and Chubukov all but forces him and his daughter to accept the proposal with a kiss. Immediately following the kiss, the couple get into yet another argument. Here the play ends
Stepan Stepanovitch Chubukov - A landowner.
Natalya Stepanovna - Stepan's daughter, 25 years old.
Ivan Vassilevitch Lomov - A large and hearty neighbor of Chubukov, but a very suspecious landowner.

والله كسرتي خاطري وحاسة بمعاناتك لاني مريتبها
ياليت اقدر اساعدك لكن صراحة المسرحيتين كلها ما درستها ولا اعرف عنها شي
لكن ان شاء الله تلقي من يساعدك وربنا يوفقك ويسهلك
ياليت اقدر اساعدك لكن صراحة المسرحيتين كلها ما درستها ولا اعرف عنها شي
لكن ان شاء الله تلقي من يساعدك وربنا يوفقك ويسهلك
الصفحة الأخيرة
ما هقيتهاااااااااااااااااااا منكم
تكفون محتاجه >>>>>>> لا تخلوني اخذ دوره بالشحااااثه معكو