5 نجوم

5 نجوم @5_ngom

عضوة نشيطة

باترون جزمات بالجوخ

الخياطة والتطريز

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

بنات الله يخليكم اللي تعرف تسوي بترونات لجزمات الجوخ زي هذي عجبتني مرة نفسي اسويها لبنوتي

اضغطي هنا لمشاهدة الصورة بحجمها الأصلي


يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

oum el housn
oum el housn

Step 2...
Iron the interfacing pieces to the back of each of the printed fabric pieces.
Step 3...
Sew The Straps.
FIRST add a strip of velcro to the correct side so you do not see the stitching

Pin the right sides together and sew leaving one of the short sides open.

Turn right side out and press with the iron.

Step 4...
Sew the lining onto the wrong side of the sole of the shoe.
Step 5...
Now your ready to sew the top of the shoe.
Place the printed fabric piece down *Right side up
Place the strap (use the guide on the pattern to determine where)
Place the liner, pin, and sew the inside of the "U" but NOT the outside

Step 6...
Press the seams open.

Step 7...

Open the "U" and pin the right sides of the printed fabric and right sides of the lining fabric together. Sew along the back of the heel.

Step 8...
Turn right sides out and press seams with the iron. Topstitch the top of the shoe ( I have done this here in blue thread so you can see but a coordinating thread is best)

Step 9...

Pin the right side of the sole to the right side of the top of the shoe. Sew. Turn right side out and press the seams. Attach the velcro to the strap and to the shoe.

Step 10...
Wear your shoes out on the town!

oum el housn
oum el housn
How To:

1. Download the bootie pattern. Measure the baby's foot size and reduce or enlarge pattern to fit accordingly. By sewing the two paper pattern pieces together you'll get a more or less fair view of the booties final dimension. This can take a few attempts but it is actually a crucial step, so take your time with measurements.

2. Cut the denim pieces after tracing the pattern into the denim's wrong side. You can leave a mark that will help you distinguish the left from the right bootie once the pieces are all cut. Then, cover the entire outside edges with blanket stitches to prevent the denim from fraying.

3. Sew the two pieces of each bootie together with the wrong side of the denim. You can mark an even margin with a pen to help guide you.

4. Cut a small strip of yellow cotton and tack it to the bootie's denim edges. Cut it on diagonal direction, as the fabric will stretch in the bias direction.

5. Sew the yellow edge to the denim (try to make the stitches as invisible as possible) and then remove the temporary stitches. Fold the rest of the cotton in. You can also sew it to the denim from inside to make sure it will stay in place.

6. Cut a little piece of elastic and sew it very well to the inner part of the booty. The denim is great for this because the inner stitches won't be visible from the outside.

7. The firefly wings are basically a double bow (without the loose ends) made with ribbon. Just sew it together with a few stitches and it is now ready to be sewed to the bootie.

8. After sewing the wings to the bootie (on the right side of the bootie), use the same thread to make the embroidery. It's really simple so you probably don't need to trace a drawing first. Just try to make them more or less symmetrical in the two booties.

9. Cut a large stripe of yellow cotton, enough to cover the inner side of the bootie. After tacking it to the denim, sew it with some invisible stitches leaving the front part still to be sewed.

10. The LED (short for light emitting diode) is a semiconductor that emits light when a current flows through. The plus of the battery must be connected to the anode (usually the long leg) and the minus to the cathode (usually the short leg)." This makes it clear which way to wire the LED. LEDs also have what is called a maximum voltage, you should not apply more voltage to the LED than this value. We've used a 3V battery (CR2016 1,6 mm thick) and since most yellow LEDs have a forward voltage around 1.2V to 2.2V, we needed some resistance to reduce it, so we've used conductive thread.
oum el housn
oum el housn
11. Put the LED on place and stick the pins inside.
12. From the inner side of the bootie curve the LED's edges with a pair of pliers.

13. Now sew the curved edges to the denim with the conductive thread. Make sure you use a different thread for each one of the edges and that they don't touch each other (this would short-circuit the battery). One foot (20 cm) of conductive thread sewed along the base of bootie is enough. You can pass them through the bootie's sides.

14. With one of the conductive threads, sew a few stitches (cross stitches, for example) on the back part of the bootie sole. This will **** as a "pad".

15. Cut a little square of yellow cotton to prepare a little pocket for the battery. To make sure the battery stays in place, make the pocket as small as possible. Sew all the edges to the denim, leaving a small entry for the battery like a buttonhole. Make another "pad" with the other conductive thread on top of the pocket. The battery should be placed between the "pad" on the battery pocket and the other "pad"on the base of the bootie, in order to make good contact. Just be careful and make sure both wires only meet at the LED when the battery is in place. If you mixed up the polarities there's no harm to the LED, just flip the battery over and it should light up.

16. Cut an insole from the felt using a pattern like the one used to cut the denim, but a bit smaller. Then cover it with the yellow cotton and sew it together. This insole will cover the battery pocket. Glue the half front part of the insole to the bootie. You will need to leave the back half part unglued so you can easily remove or replace the battery.

17. The final result! Of course these aren't everyday booties, they
were designed for CRAFT's Michael Miller Baby Bootie Contest. So, you might save them to be used in a special occasion. With the battery on, the LED will be light up for more or less two hours. You can even replace the LED with a small bead.
oum el housn
oum el housn
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