سكون انثى @skon_anth
بالله ساعدني بكرا اختباري
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
أتمنى إن أجد أحدا يساعدني في ترجمة
هذه القطعتين فأني أحتاجهما كثيراً غداً
هناك أمور كثيرة يجب علينا فعلها قبل الموت .
أولاً: يجب علينا الإكثار من الصلاة .
لان الصلاة هي عمود الدين . وإذا صحت الصلاة صح باقي عمل الإنسان .
ثانياً: الإكثار من قراءة القرآن .ففي قراءة القرن المزيد من الحسنات .
ثالثاً: الإكثار من الدعاء.فالدعاء جزء أساسي من العبادة
وطلب الله من عباده الإكثار من الدعاء لأنه يجيب دعوة عباده.
رابعاً: طلب العفو والصفح من الناس لأننا أحيانا نخطئ على بعض الناس فيجب علينا طلب الصفح والعفو منهم
أخيراً: أنا أرى قبل الموت علينا الرجوع إلى الله والتوبة الصادقة لكي ندخل الجنة
القطعه الثانيه:
في حياتنا كثير من الاحلام التي نتمنى تحقيقها
فانا اتمنى الحصول على رضا الله فن يحصل على رضا الله سيجازيه الله بالجنه
كما اتمنى مواصله مشواري الدراسي فالعلم احدى اساسيات الحياه
كما اتمنى تكوين اسره سعيده لان الاسره هي منبع الحنان والعطف
كما ان الاسره تساعد الانسان على الرقي والاحساس بالثقه بالنفس
اذن هناك كثير من الاحلام والامنيات التي نتمنى تحقيقها لكي نسعد في حياتنا
بنات اقسم بالله الاختبار بكرا
حاولت القى احد يترجمه لي للانجليزي ومالقيت
بالله ساعدني يابنات بالله والله لادعي لكن
إذا ماتقدرن ترجمنها كاملة عادي
يكفي جمله أو جملتين
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.
اختي خذي هذي الترجمة ان شاء الله تفيدك
القطعة الاولى
There are lots of considerations to prepare before the arrival of the human moment of death:
First: More offering of prayers, because prayer is the pillar of religion. If prayer is offered perfectly, all the human deeds will be perfect.
Second: More reciting of the Holy Qura'an, because the more you recite the more you gain good rewards
Third: More invocating to Allah for it is the basic of worship, and the more worshipers invocate, God will accept their call.
Fourth: Asking for people's forgiveness, because of the mistakes we commit toward them.
Lastly, we should truthfully repent and return to Allah to win the Paradise
القطعة الثانية
There are lots of dreams we hope to fulfill.
First: I hope to have my God's forgiveness and complacence, because with that Paradise will be the reward.
Second: I hope to continue and succeed in my study, because it is the basic of life.
Third: I hope to make a happy family, because it creates an atmosphere of love and passion. Also it helps the human to progress in life, and feel the sense of self – confidence.
والله يوفقك
القطعة الاولى
There are lots of considerations to prepare before the arrival of the human moment of death:
First: More offering of prayers, because prayer is the pillar of religion. If prayer is offered perfectly, all the human deeds will be perfect.
Second: More reciting of the Holy Qura'an, because the more you recite the more you gain good rewards
Third: More invocating to Allah for it is the basic of worship, and the more worshipers invocate, God will accept their call.
Fourth: Asking for people's forgiveness, because of the mistakes we commit toward them.
Lastly, we should truthfully repent and return to Allah to win the Paradise
القطعة الثانية
There are lots of dreams we hope to fulfill.
First: I hope to have my God's forgiveness and complacence, because with that Paradise will be the reward.
Second: I hope to continue and succeed in my study, because it is the basic of life.
Third: I hope to make a happy family, because it creates an atmosphere of love and passion. Also it helps the human to progress in life, and feel the sense of self – confidence.
والله يوفقك
الصفحة الأخيرة
there are so many things that we should do befor death
first we should pray alot because praier is the pillar of relegion and if your prayer was perfect then all your deeds are also perfect
second: we should read Quraan alot because if we do then our بصراحه ما بعرف شو يعني حسنات في الانجليزي الافضل تدوري عليها او حطيها حسنات زي ما هي
hasanat are increased
third is to pray to GOD as praier is an essential part of worship and God told ask to ask him alot because he answers the praiers of his worshipers
fourth: to ask the forgivness of people because some times we make wrong things with them so we should ask their forgivness
finally :befor death we should return to God and repent and ask him to forgive us.
القطعه الثانيه:
in our life we have so many dreames and wishes we want to fulfill .
i personally wish to get Gods blessing because if God blesses you then you will enter his heaven , i also wish to continue my long path of education as knowledge is one of lifes essentials
i also wish to build a happy family because family is the sourse of tenderness and care it also helps us build our self confidence
so there are so many wishes and dreams that we wish to make true