السلام عليكم
قررت اني اعمل موقع شخصي لي ولكن مش عارف افضل موقع يقدم هذه الخدمة
فلذلك رجاءا ساعدوني بذلك وايش احسن موقع بقدم هذه الخدمة ومجانا

miss february @miss_february
محررة برونزية
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

عزيزتي نوران مشكورة على المرور بس الي بعرفه انه يوجد مواقع بتقدم هذا الشئ وبلاش
وقبل ماادرج موضوعي دخلت على كم موقع بعمله هذا الشئ ولكن حبيت اتأنى وحكيت خليني اسال ممكن يكون
هناك مواقع بمميزات كويسة :24: :26:
وقبل ماادرج موضوعي دخلت على كم موقع بعمله هذا الشئ ولكن حبيت اتأنى وحكيت خليني اسال ممكن يكون
هناك مواقع بمميزات كويسة :24: :26:

هذه بعض المواقع التي تقدم هذه الخدمة
((((المعلومات منقولة ))))
بسم الله
Space 50 MB
Upload FTP
Editor Advanced
Ads Banner
Webaddress subdomain
Features PHP Subdomain mySQL
الموقع : Internet Centrum
Czech Republic, Czech
Hosting category: REG,BUSINESS,GAME
عنوانه :http://www.ic.cz
Space 50 MB
Upload FTP
Editor Advanced
Ads No ads
Webaddress Subdomain
Features PHP POP Email Domainhosting Subdomain SSI Counter Guestbook
USA, English
Hosting category: REG,BUSINESS,GAME
عنوانه :http://www.web1000.com
Interests: Personal, Business.
Space: 50+ MB.
Forced Ads: Popup (pop-under).
Your Ads: Allowed.
Upload: FTP.
Editor: -
Scripting: PHP4.
Pre-Scripts: -
Your URL: Domain or Subdomain.
Other Features: Unlimited bandwidth.
MySQL database (request).
Password-protected directory.
URL: http://www.coolfreepages.com/
Interests: Personal, Business.
Space: 50 MB.
Forced Ads: Popup.
Your Ads: Allowed.
Upload: FTP.
Editor: -
Scripting: CGI, PHP.
Pre-Scripts: Counter, FormMail, Guestbook.
Your URL: Subdomain.
Other Features: MySQL database.
File size limit 400 KB
موقع معروف
عنوانه URL: http://www.dk3.com/hosting/
Space: 50 MB.
Forced Ads: Banner.
Your Ads: Allowed.
Upload: FTP, Browser.
Editor: Adv, Basic.
Scripting: PHP, SSI.
Pre-Scripts: Counter, FormMail, Guestbook.
Your URL: /you.
Other Features: MySQL database.
Unlimited bandwidth.
Unlimited file size.
Custom error 404 page.
URL: http://www.multimania.lycos.fr
Interests: Language: فرنسي.
Space: 50 MB.
Forced Ads: Banner.
Your Ads: Allowed.
Upload: FTP, Browser.
Editor: Adv, Basic.
Scripting: PHP4, SSI.
Pre-Scripts: Counter, FormMail, Guestbook.
Your URL: /you.
Other Features: MySQL database.
Unlimited bandwidth.
Unlimited file size.
Custom error 404 page
URL: http://www.tripod.co.uk/
Interests: Personal.
معروف جدا وقوي
Visit: Portland
Interests: Personal, Business.
Space: 15 MB.
Forced Ads: No.
Your Ads: No.
Upload: FTP.
Editor: -
Scripting: CGI, PHP, SSI, Perl.
Pre-Scripts: Counter, FormMail.
Your URL: Domain or Subdomain.
Other Features: POP3 Email and Email forwarding.
MySQL database.
100MB/month bandwidth limit.
Daily backup.
Server in UK
موقع بريطاني
عنوانه http://www.portland.co.uk/
موقع جيد بمواصفاته لكن غريب بشرطة الوحيد
Visit: AmzWeb
Interests: Personal.
Space: 10-70 MB.
Forced Ads: TextLink.
Your Ads: Allowed.
Upload: FTP, Browser.
Editor: ?
Scripting: CGI, PHP, ASP, SSI, FrontPage Extensions, Perl.
Pre-Scripts: Mailing-List.
Your URL: Domain or Subdomain.
الملاحظة او شرطهم هو كالتالي:
يجب على الاقل ان يكون لك عشر مواضيع في منتداهم
وكل مازادت المواضيع زادت مساحتك .
Unlimited Bandwidth.
20 Email accounts (POP3 and Web-based).
MySQL database.
Webalizer Statistics.
Dedicated IP Address
لكن مواصفات جيدة بصراحة وتغري
الموقع http://www.forum.amzweb.net/
Visit: Arcor
Interests: Language: German.
Space: 50 MB.
Forced Ads: No.
Your Ads: No.
Upload: FTP, Browser.
Editor: Adv, Basic.
Scripting: PHP, SSI, FrontPage Extensions.
Pre-Scripts: Collection.
Your URL: /you.
Other Features: Web-based Email.
عنوان الموقع http://www.arcor.de/home/index.php
Visit: Multimania
Interests: Language: French.
Space: 50 MB.
Forced Ads: Banner.
Your Ads: Allowed.
Upload: FTP, Browser.
Editor: Adv, Basic.
Scripting: PHP, SSI.
Pre-Scripts: Counter, FormMail, Guestbook.
Your URL: /you.
Other Features: MySQL database.
Unlimited bandwidth.
Unlimited file size.
Custom error 404 page.
Powered by Tripod.
عنوان الموقع http://www.multimania.lycos.fr/
Visit: PHP50
Interests: Personal, Business.
Space: 50 MB.
Forced Ads: Popup.
Your Ads: Allowed.
Upload: Browser, SiteCopy.
Editor: Adv, Basic, WYSIWYG.
Scripting: PHP, SSI.
Pre-Scripts: FormMail, Guestbook, Msgboard.
Your URL: /you.
Other Features: Browser upload supports zipped file uploads.
عنوانه : http://www.php50.com/
Free webhosting in shell UNIX without ADVERTISING
PHP and MySql (and JSP modul)
25 Mo switchable for all your pages.
_Our exclusive services_______
Manage domaine's names :
Mails services
4 alias domaines
Managable online
Don't forget YOU@lacible.net and YOU.lacible.net
Reachable by Pop/SMTP/Web Mail (en IMP).
Installed moduls
System of points allowing you to benefit from services PRO.
عنوانه http://www.lacible.net/us/
موقع متمييز ويبغى من يجربة
Offering a free UNIX web hosting service which includes: 250 mb space, 250mb bandwith, User's Control Panel, 24/7 FTP, CGI-BIN, Perl scripting, PHP, MySQL, free subdomain and free domain hosting. No forced ads, but we do offer an attractive affiliate advertising plan.
عنوان الموقع http://aawebhosts.com/
A romanian hosting site. At a request the site supports php-mySql. Unlimited space. No ads. Built by romanian specialists. U get free subdomain www.subdomain.as.ro, subdomain@as.ro webmail, php-mySql support (only on a specific email request), no ads and all of that free !! بدون اعلانات ويرسل ايميل بالاحدود
مساحة غير محدودة
عنون الموقع http://www.as.ro/
مواقع استضافة مجانية+مع مواصفات كل موقع
Space: 999 MB
Upload FTP Browser
Ads Adframe
Address /you
Features PHP POP Email mySQL CGI-BIN Counter Guestbook
الموقع هنقاري
عنوانه : http://www.cs.hu
Space 100 MB
Upload FTP
Ads No ads
Address Subdomain
Features PHP POP Email Subdomain mySQL SSI Counter Form Guestbook
الموقع فرنسي
عنوانه : http://www.free.fr/
Space 999 MB
Upload Email
Edtor Advanced Basic
Ads Banner
Address Subdomain
Features PHP POP Email Domainhosting Subdomain mySQL Counter Form Guestbook
الموقع هنقاري
عنوانه : http://freeweb.hu/
Space 50 MB
Upload Browser
Edtor Advanced Basic
Ads Popup
Address /you
Features PHP RealAudio POP Email SSI Counter Form Guestbook
الموقع امريكي
عنوانه : http://www.lunarpages.com
Space 999 MB
Upload FTP Browser
Edtor Advanced
Ads No ads
Address Subdomain
Features PHP RealVideo RealAudio POP Email Domainhosting Subdomain mySQL SSL SSI MessageBoard CGI-BIN Counter Form Guestbook
الموقع اسباني
عنوانه : http://www.metropoli2000.com
Space 100 MB
Upload FTP Browser
Edtor Advanced Basic
Ads Popup/Banner
Address Subdomain
Features PHP RealVideo RealAudio Subdomain mySQL
الموقع فرنسي
عنوانه : http://www.multimania.fr
Space 999 MB
Upload FTP Browser
Ads Popup
Address /you
Features PHP POP Email Telnet SSI CGI-BIN Counter Guestbook
الموقع الماني
عنوانه : http://www.supertown.de
Available space: Unlimited megabytes
PHP scripting: PHP4
mySQL: Yes
ASP+: No
Cold Fusion: No
Java Server Pages: No
Python CGI: No
Zope: No
FTP upload: Yes
Email sending: No
Host O.S.:
عنوان الموقع http://www.spaceports.com
Available space: 999 megabytes
PHP scripting: PHP4
mySQL: Yes
ASP+: No
Cold Fusion: No
Java Server Pages: No
Python CGI: No
Zope: No
FTP upload: Yes
Email sending: No
Host O.S.:
عنوان الموقع : http://www.host.sk
Space 50 MB
Upload FTP Email
Ads Popup/Banner
Webaddress user.caramania.d2g.com
Features PHP POP Email Subdomain mySQL SSI CGI-BIN
الموقعي فرنسي
عنوانه : http://www.caramania.d2g.com
Space 50 MB
Upload FTP
Ads Banner
Webaddress Subdomain
Features PHP Subdomain SSL SSI CGI-BIN
الموقع غربي
عنوانه http://www.clawz.com
Space 999 MB
Upload FTP
Ads Banner
Webaddress Subdomain
Features PHP Subdomain mySQL SSI CGI-BIN
الموقع روسي
عنوانه : http://www.holm.ru/
Space 999 MB
Upload FTP Browser
Editor Advanced Basic
Ads Popup/Banner
Webaddress /~you
الموقع غربي
عنوانه : http://www.hostultra.com/
ان شاااء الله تنفعكم
((((المعلومات منقولة ))))
بسم الله
Space 50 MB
Upload FTP
Editor Advanced
Ads Banner
Webaddress subdomain
Features PHP Subdomain mySQL
الموقع : Internet Centrum
Czech Republic, Czech
Hosting category: REG,BUSINESS,GAME
عنوانه :http://www.ic.cz
Space 50 MB
Upload FTP
Editor Advanced
Ads No ads
Webaddress Subdomain
Features PHP POP Email Domainhosting Subdomain SSI Counter Guestbook
USA, English
Hosting category: REG,BUSINESS,GAME
عنوانه :http://www.web1000.com
Interests: Personal, Business.
Space: 50+ MB.
Forced Ads: Popup (pop-under).
Your Ads: Allowed.
Upload: FTP.
Editor: -
Scripting: PHP4.
Pre-Scripts: -
Your URL: Domain or Subdomain.
Other Features: Unlimited bandwidth.
MySQL database (request).
Password-protected directory.
URL: http://www.coolfreepages.com/
Interests: Personal, Business.
Space: 50 MB.
Forced Ads: Popup.
Your Ads: Allowed.
Upload: FTP.
Editor: -
Scripting: CGI, PHP.
Pre-Scripts: Counter, FormMail, Guestbook.
Your URL: Subdomain.
Other Features: MySQL database.
File size limit 400 KB
موقع معروف
عنوانه URL: http://www.dk3.com/hosting/
Space: 50 MB.
Forced Ads: Banner.
Your Ads: Allowed.
Upload: FTP, Browser.
Editor: Adv, Basic.
Scripting: PHP, SSI.
Pre-Scripts: Counter, FormMail, Guestbook.
Your URL: /you.
Other Features: MySQL database.
Unlimited bandwidth.
Unlimited file size.
Custom error 404 page.
URL: http://www.multimania.lycos.fr
Interests: Language: فرنسي.
Space: 50 MB.
Forced Ads: Banner.
Your Ads: Allowed.
Upload: FTP, Browser.
Editor: Adv, Basic.
Scripting: PHP4, SSI.
Pre-Scripts: Counter, FormMail, Guestbook.
Your URL: /you.
Other Features: MySQL database.
Unlimited bandwidth.
Unlimited file size.
Custom error 404 page
URL: http://www.tripod.co.uk/
Interests: Personal.
معروف جدا وقوي
Visit: Portland
Interests: Personal, Business.
Space: 15 MB.
Forced Ads: No.
Your Ads: No.
Upload: FTP.
Editor: -
Scripting: CGI, PHP, SSI, Perl.
Pre-Scripts: Counter, FormMail.
Your URL: Domain or Subdomain.
Other Features: POP3 Email and Email forwarding.
MySQL database.
100MB/month bandwidth limit.
Daily backup.
Server in UK
موقع بريطاني
عنوانه http://www.portland.co.uk/
موقع جيد بمواصفاته لكن غريب بشرطة الوحيد
Visit: AmzWeb
Interests: Personal.
Space: 10-70 MB.
Forced Ads: TextLink.
Your Ads: Allowed.
Upload: FTP, Browser.
Editor: ?
Scripting: CGI, PHP, ASP, SSI, FrontPage Extensions, Perl.
Pre-Scripts: Mailing-List.
Your URL: Domain or Subdomain.
الملاحظة او شرطهم هو كالتالي:
يجب على الاقل ان يكون لك عشر مواضيع في منتداهم
وكل مازادت المواضيع زادت مساحتك .
Unlimited Bandwidth.
20 Email accounts (POP3 and Web-based).
MySQL database.
Webalizer Statistics.
Dedicated IP Address
لكن مواصفات جيدة بصراحة وتغري
الموقع http://www.forum.amzweb.net/
Visit: Arcor
Interests: Language: German.
Space: 50 MB.
Forced Ads: No.
Your Ads: No.
Upload: FTP, Browser.
Editor: Adv, Basic.
Scripting: PHP, SSI, FrontPage Extensions.
Pre-Scripts: Collection.
Your URL: /you.
Other Features: Web-based Email.
عنوان الموقع http://www.arcor.de/home/index.php
Visit: Multimania
Interests: Language: French.
Space: 50 MB.
Forced Ads: Banner.
Your Ads: Allowed.
Upload: FTP, Browser.
Editor: Adv, Basic.
Scripting: PHP, SSI.
Pre-Scripts: Counter, FormMail, Guestbook.
Your URL: /you.
Other Features: MySQL database.
Unlimited bandwidth.
Unlimited file size.
Custom error 404 page.
Powered by Tripod.
عنوان الموقع http://www.multimania.lycos.fr/
Visit: PHP50
Interests: Personal, Business.
Space: 50 MB.
Forced Ads: Popup.
Your Ads: Allowed.
Upload: Browser, SiteCopy.
Editor: Adv, Basic, WYSIWYG.
Scripting: PHP, SSI.
Pre-Scripts: FormMail, Guestbook, Msgboard.
Your URL: /you.
Other Features: Browser upload supports zipped file uploads.
عنوانه : http://www.php50.com/
Free webhosting in shell UNIX without ADVERTISING
PHP and MySql (and JSP modul)
25 Mo switchable for all your pages.
_Our exclusive services_______
Manage domaine's names :
Mails services
4 alias domaines
Managable online
Don't forget YOU@lacible.net and YOU.lacible.net
Reachable by Pop/SMTP/Web Mail (en IMP).
Installed moduls
System of points allowing you to benefit from services PRO.
عنوانه http://www.lacible.net/us/
موقع متمييز ويبغى من يجربة
Offering a free UNIX web hosting service which includes: 250 mb space, 250mb bandwith, User's Control Panel, 24/7 FTP, CGI-BIN, Perl scripting, PHP, MySQL, free subdomain and free domain hosting. No forced ads, but we do offer an attractive affiliate advertising plan.
عنوان الموقع http://aawebhosts.com/
A romanian hosting site. At a request the site supports php-mySql. Unlimited space. No ads. Built by romanian specialists. U get free subdomain www.subdomain.as.ro, subdomain@as.ro webmail, php-mySql support (only on a specific email request), no ads and all of that free !! بدون اعلانات ويرسل ايميل بالاحدود
مساحة غير محدودة
عنون الموقع http://www.as.ro/
مواقع استضافة مجانية+مع مواصفات كل موقع
Space: 999 MB
Upload FTP Browser
Ads Adframe
Address /you
Features PHP POP Email mySQL CGI-BIN Counter Guestbook
الموقع هنقاري
عنوانه : http://www.cs.hu
Space 100 MB
Upload FTP
Ads No ads
Address Subdomain
Features PHP POP Email Subdomain mySQL SSI Counter Form Guestbook
الموقع فرنسي
عنوانه : http://www.free.fr/
Space 999 MB
Upload Email
Edtor Advanced Basic
Ads Banner
Address Subdomain
Features PHP POP Email Domainhosting Subdomain mySQL Counter Form Guestbook
الموقع هنقاري
عنوانه : http://freeweb.hu/
Space 50 MB
Upload Browser
Edtor Advanced Basic
Ads Popup
Address /you
Features PHP RealAudio POP Email SSI Counter Form Guestbook
الموقع امريكي
عنوانه : http://www.lunarpages.com
Space 999 MB
Upload FTP Browser
Edtor Advanced
Ads No ads
Address Subdomain
Features PHP RealVideo RealAudio POP Email Domainhosting Subdomain mySQL SSL SSI MessageBoard CGI-BIN Counter Form Guestbook
الموقع اسباني
عنوانه : http://www.metropoli2000.com
Space 100 MB
Upload FTP Browser
Edtor Advanced Basic
Ads Popup/Banner
Address Subdomain
Features PHP RealVideo RealAudio Subdomain mySQL
الموقع فرنسي
عنوانه : http://www.multimania.fr
Space 999 MB
Upload FTP Browser
Ads Popup
Address /you
Features PHP POP Email Telnet SSI CGI-BIN Counter Guestbook
الموقع الماني
عنوانه : http://www.supertown.de
Available space: Unlimited megabytes
PHP scripting: PHP4
mySQL: Yes
ASP+: No
Cold Fusion: No
Java Server Pages: No
Python CGI: No
Zope: No
FTP upload: Yes
Email sending: No
Host O.S.:
عنوان الموقع http://www.spaceports.com
Available space: 999 megabytes
PHP scripting: PHP4
mySQL: Yes
ASP+: No
Cold Fusion: No
Java Server Pages: No
Python CGI: No
Zope: No
FTP upload: Yes
Email sending: No
Host O.S.:
عنوان الموقع : http://www.host.sk
Space 50 MB
Upload FTP Email
Ads Popup/Banner
Webaddress user.caramania.d2g.com
Features PHP POP Email Subdomain mySQL SSI CGI-BIN
الموقعي فرنسي
عنوانه : http://www.caramania.d2g.com
Space 50 MB
Upload FTP
Ads Banner
Webaddress Subdomain
Features PHP Subdomain SSL SSI CGI-BIN
الموقع غربي
عنوانه http://www.clawz.com
Space 999 MB
Upload FTP
Ads Banner
Webaddress Subdomain
Features PHP Subdomain mySQL SSI CGI-BIN
الموقع روسي
عنوانه : http://www.holm.ru/
Space 999 MB
Upload FTP Browser
Editor Advanced Basic
Ads Popup/Banner
Webaddress /~you
الموقع غربي
عنوانه : http://www.hostultra.com/
ان شاااء الله تنفعكم

الصفحة الأخيرة
الي اعرفه تدفعي فلوس.