
حالمــــه @halmh_6

محررة برونزية

برقراف 8-4 سطور بلييييييييز

اللغة الأنجليزية

السلام عليكم والرحة

اخباركم بنات عساكم بخير
بليييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييز الله يجزاها الجنه اللي تساعدني

الله في عون العبد ماكان الله في عون أخيه

مين يساعدني أبي موضوعين قصار جداً

واحد 8سطور عن ماذا فعلتي في الويك اند عطلة نهاية الأسبوع اي شي

الموضوع الثاني 4سطور عن الفيلينج الشعور
شعورك تجاه اي شي مو شرط شعور حب حتى لو شعور خوف او كره او ضغط اربع سطور بس

والله مايضيع مساعدتكم

بدعيلكم من قلب

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

ارق الليل
ارق الليل
what I did in the weekend?

The weekend in Riyadh is a special one. Sun and dry do not allow us to go where ever we want. Last weekend I went to Kingdom mall for shopping. When I finished shopping I went to Planet Hollywood to dine in. It is a wonderful place for supper.

My Feeling towords Blood

I think everyone hate blood. It accompnies with many bad feelings. For me, it makes me remember terror & death. Actualy, blood test is the worst thing that could happen to me.

جزاك الله خير ياعمري الله يفرج همومك كلها

بس انا في الدمام مين تزيد على التعبيرين كم جملة الله يجزاها الجنه بغير حساب
:( وينكم يابنات
my weekend
I worked so hard during thelast week, so I wanted to have some rest at the weekend.I woke up late and made my self some hot choclates and crisps. I sipped the choclates by my window looking at the roses and smelling the fresh breeze of the morning.By noon I went to the kitchen deciding to cook something special for lunch,and i did.Actually during the last week I had to buy my lunch from the next door resturant , and it was good to eat a home-made meal.Then I read for a couple of hours,a hobby that I really love.After that I enjoyed walking in my garden.the golden rays of the fading sun touched the tops of the trees , and rhe air was cool and smelled like roses. It was a lovely view and I was happy to end my day in that way.

feelings in the desert

I stood alone in the desrt. Amidst the endless space of golden sand and blue sky.I felt the meaningless of all my fears and worries against the grandure of the desert.Peace came upon me ,and the small round sands stroke softly against my feet as if to sooth my feelings.the sky was clear and so near that I felt I could touch it, i felt
my heart tremble with love and fear at once

أتمنى أن يكونوا مفيدين ليكي.
ياعمري الله لايحرمك غالي ويفرج همومك كلها

اكيد مفيدين

ولك حس شاعري جناااااااااااان
