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when it comes to eating, there is more than just choosing the food we eat. we also need to keep the 4 W's in mind
what we eat.
if you eat a lot of fast food, burgers, fries and pizzas loaded with toppings and desserts, your diet is definitely not balanced.
where we usually eat.
if you eat in front of the TV,you may want to change this habit. Eating while doing other things makes it easy to lose track of how much you have already eaten. by eating meals and snacks at a table, you can pay more attention to what you're eating so that you don't overeat.
if you want to snack while watching TV, take a small portion of food with you, such as a handful of pretzels or a couple of cookies, but not the whole bag.
When we eat.
Eating when you are not hungry is a bad habit. We often do this when we see others eating or when we see something that looks good, or simply when we have nothing else to do.
Instead, you should allow at least two hours between meals or snacks. This will give the food enough time to be digested.
another bad habit is eating before going to bed. you should eat least three hours before sleeping. this will allow your body to burn up some calories and at the same time will help you sleep better.
how we eat
the way we eat is also very important. Eating slowly and chewing well not only affects the amount of food we consume, but also helps in good digestion.

قطـر الندى @ktr_alnd_59
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الصفحة الأخيرة
do not you eat a lot of fast food
eating meals and snacks at a table
while you watching TV, take a small portion of food
with you
you should allow at least two hours between meals
or snacks and you should eat least three hours before sleeping.
how we eat
Eating slowly and chewing well