بنات اللي تعرف تقرا انجلش كويس ياليت تقراء هذا طبعا بكتبه انتبهو مش ترجمه كتبه
1.the purpose of software is to convert data in to information
is another name for a program. )2
3.are the most import and of on in formation system People
4.the equipment that processes the data to create in formation is called hardware
5.the rules or guidelines that people follow when using software hardware and datave called
.6.allows computers to and to share information
7.the most important system software program is
the operating system
8.executes programs and stores data and programs
is an example of application software word wordare
10. are the most powerful type of computers
super computer
جزاكم الله خير

الشامخه بعزها @alshamkhh_baazha
عضوة نشيطة
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الصفحة الأخيرة
انسخي بالمربع الفاضي جزء من الكلام واضغطي على say it
دعواتك ..