بليز بكرا الجمعه أخر يوم لتسليم الواجب لإن التسليم عن طريق النت


بليـــز تســاعدوني في حل هدي الأسئله ضرووووري عندي اختبارات ومره ماعندي وقت وعندي ابحاث

الله يجزاكم خير ساعدوني

هـــدي الأسئلــه...

I. Check the sentences that would make good topic sentences (just four). Discuss why the other sentences would be ineffective.
1. My motto "play before work" received a sever blow this week.
2. The leftover macaroni and cheese in my refrigerator was covered with green mold.
3. Marry Tod married Abe Lincoln.
4. The older I become, the more I appreciate …..
5. Mr. Inskeep is my favorite teacher.
6. Computers are important for most workplaces.
7. A roommate who is a musician can be exasperating.
8. Cutting the Brazilian rain forest is causing weather problems.
9. Every Thursday night I watch my favorite TV program.
10. Words are fun to play with and think about.

II. Write 10 topic sentences for the given ideas of paragraph.
1. How and where to find elegant night gowns.
2. My favorite vacation spot.
3. The day I almost drowned.
4. Describe a small object you own and its significance.
5. Tips for shopping at garage sales.
6. How to make an unusual salad.
7. My first day in school (on the first time I ….)
8. The camels and the desert weather .
9. How to buy a good …..
10. Why I ……..

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

لحلمي حكايه
لحلمي حكايه
الله يسامحــكم

ليه مافي احد رد

لوترفعوه بدعوه بس
الحلوة جت كوم
الحلوة جت كوم
الله يوفقك ويسهلك اختبارك وتنجحين
لحلمي حكايه
لحلمي حكايه
الله يسعدكـ يارب ويسهلك امورك ويحقق ماتتمني
عبير الذكريااات
لحلمي حكايه
لحلمي حكايه
مشكــورين خلاص حليته