السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركااتة
اخبااركم ياحلويين ...:)
والله مشتااقه للمنتدى لي فترة مادخلت
عاادابي منكم مساعدة
اللي تفهم بالانجلش تفيدني
لان بكرة علي امتحاان
وانا مااعرفت اعبر للتتشر
هي طالبه مني تعبير
عن وصف فستاان تحبينه شكله ولون وش تحبين فيه
مااراح انسى اللي تساعدني من الدعاء
اشكركم مقدمااا ......

mh14001 @mh14001
عضوة فعالة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.
الصفحة الأخيرة
My lovely dress is made of satin and chiffon. It is velvet. It is sleeveless so I added a shawl to it. It is long. It is embroidered beaded .It has a plunging neckline, open back, and swirling vertical print on the flowing chiffon skirt which makes a lovely combination in my evening halter dress for any occasion. It makes an unforgettable entrance to any special occasion in its low cut halter plus size gown. Before I bought it I wondered how to get an extreme low price evening dress while won't sacrifice high quality and stylish design . So my first choice was discount store. After many hours of searching I found a beautiful dress in a fashion evening dress shop .its color attracted me. The seller offered me a good low price .I thought how lucky I was.
Two days later my friend told me that several stores have periods when they sell off their stock cheaply to make room for new evening dress. Then I learned if I just catch up the time then I can actually get a dress for half the original price or less. When I wear my favorite dress I feel as if I am the most beautiful girl in the world because it fits me
هذا التعبير كمان كتبته في المكان الثاني عشان اي صفحة حطيتي طلبك عليها تلاقيه ودعواتك