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بليز مرة ضروري ساعدوني جزاكم الله خير

اللغة الأنجليزية

بنات الله يسعدكم وجزاكم الله الف خير ساعدوني علتصحيح هذا المقال انا مرة محتاجاة ضروري بكرة بليز هوا المقال فيه Sub title in the second paragraph وشوفوا اذا كان يصلح ل 3 برقرافات بليز بنات صحيحولي اذا فيه اخطاء وشكرا ابغاه اليوم ضروري الله يسعدكم الموضوع عن وجهات نظر وكل وجهة نظر نحط سب تايتل بليييييييييييز ساعدوني مو تفتحوا الموضوع وتخرجوا الله يسعدكم:26: :( هوا الموضوع طويل بس حاولوا بليز انا كتبتوا ومني عارفه اتاكد انو ا اكويس ولا لا وشكرا

Women Driving in Saudi Arabia

The first paragraph: introduction general idea about the topic
The kingdom of Saudi Arabia ,being the seat of Islam ,have maintained its absolute Islamic traditions and culture. The issue on women to be allowed to drive in the kingdom presents how the society relentlessly followed Islamic teachings, yet showing open- mindedness to the pros and onus of the issue at hand. These may include women’s safety on the road ,financial and economic aspects , procedures for setting road mishaps preserving the purity of Saudi women especially those who are observing hejab.
The second paragraph: divided to 3 different views with a suitable sub title

An opinion from an Expert
Dr.Muhammad Karim in his award-winning article cited situations in other countries where women are always at risk on roads and some hypothetical scenarios which are more likely to occur should women be allowed to drive .he presented his views where in the dangerous rather outweighs the benefits .To name a few ,accident on the road where women’s vulnerability gets more exposed to men ,who by nature are physically stronger. Saudi Arabia ,undoubting has most number of hejab observing women in the world .Exposing women to the road and to the male species would make them more susceptible to harassment and disgrace. Cassese of harassment and crimes involving women to freely function equally with men ,would the women of Saudi Arabia be left behind?

The opinions of modern day Saudis
Forward – thinking Saudis who have been traveling and living abroad find it more appealing to allow women to drive as they may open the society to gender equality , may boost up total car sales and revenues . Much more, household expenses on hiring private drivers can also be taken into great consideration .However ,the impending fear for increase in unemployment among Saudi locals and experts primarily taxi drivers .

The opinion of the government
On the other hand ,prince Sultan openly had stated his opinion that the government will give way for women driving once they get concert from their families .This shows opening –up of Saudi Arabia to the outside world. However, family values and traditions coupled with absolute preservation of the Saudi women’s purity be upheld at all times ,as what it has been for ,generations to generations.

Third paragraph: own view and summery or outcome advice
My own values and perceptions speak for the opinion of hejab observing omen in this country .I totally disagree to women driving because this will prose double standers in the society .It will take so much effort from the society and government to balance progressive thinking while holding absolute Islamic traditions .These traditions we have been proud to have all these years and as we always did, making Saudi woman’s uniqueness in way s of preserving purity ,elegance and chastity . The invaluable we must take pride on as a people traditions that make us proud of our selves not only to our husbands,brothers,etc but to the whole world ,as well.

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

ما شاء الله يا سكرروز اسلوبك جميل فى الكتابه .. انا بس عدلت كلمات بسيطه لو تحبى تخدى باقتراحاتى البسيطه.. و ربنا يوفقك ان شاء الله

Women Driving in Saudi Arabia

The first paragraph: introducing a general idea about the topic
The kingdom of Saudi Arabia ,as the seat of Islam ,has maintained its absolute Islamic traditions and culture. The issue of women to be allowed to drive in the kingdom presents how the society relentlessly followed Islamic teachings, yet showing open- mindedness to the pros and onus of the issue at hand. These may include women’s safety on the road ,financial and economic aspects , procedures for setting road mishaps preserving the purity of Saudi women especially those who are observing hejab

The second paragraph: divided into 3 different views with a suitable subtitle

An opinion from an Expert
Dr.Muhammad Karim in his award-winning article cited situations in other countries where women are always at risk on roads and some hypothetical scenarios which are more likely to occur should women be allowed to drive .he presented his views where in the dangerous rather outweighs the benefits .To name a few ,accident on the road where women’s vulnerability gets more exposed to men ,who by nature are physically stronger. Saudi Arabia ,undoubting has most number of hejab observing women in the world .Exposing women to the road and to the male species would make them more susceptible to harassment and disgrace. Cassese of harassment and crimes involving women to freely function equally with men ,would the women of Saudi Arabia be left behind?

The opinions of modern day Saudis
Forward – thinking Saudis who have been traveling and living abroad find it more appealing to allow women to drive as they may open the society to gender equality , may boost up total car sales and revenues . Much more, household expenses on hiring private drivers can also be taken into great consideration .However ,the impending fear for increase in unemployment among Saudi locals and experts primarily taxi drivers .

The opinion of the government
On the other hand ,prince Sultan openly had stated his opinion that the government will give the opportunity to women to drive once they get concert from their families .This shows the opening –up of Saudi Arabia to the outside world. However, family values and traditions coupled with absolute preservation of the Saudi women’s purity be upheld at all times ,as what it has been for ,generations to generations.

Third paragraph: my own opinion and summery or outcome advice
My own values and perceptions speak for the opinion of hejab observing women in this country .I totally disagree to women driving because this will prose double standers in the society .It will take so much effort from the society and government to balance progressive thinking while holding absolute Islamic traditions .These traditions we have been proud to have all these years and as we always did, making Saudi woman’s uniqueness in terms of preserving purity ,elegance and chastity . in brief we must be proud of our traditions that make us proud of ourselves and not only to our husbands,brothers,etc but to the whole world ,as well.
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