بليــز ساعدوني التلاتاء اخر يوم التسليم


أتمنـــى اللي عندهاا خبره تساعدني التلاتاء اخر يوم

اللي تعرف اي فقره تحلها

جزاها الله خير اللي تساعدني ويسعدها وماتنرد لها دعوة يااارب:44:

A. Read the passage carefully.
The Joys of an Old Car
Some of my friends can't believe that my car still runs. Others laugh when they see it parked outside the house and ask if it's an antique. But they aren't being fair to my fourteen -year old Toyota Corolla. In fact, my "antique' has opened my eyes to the rewards of owning an old car.
One obvious reward of owning my old Toyota is economy. Toyota is the leading and the largest Japanese auto manufacturer. Fourteen years ago, when my husband and I were newly married and nearly broke, we bought the car _ a shiny red year-old leftover_ for a mere $4.200. Today it would cost four times as much. We save money on insurance, since it's no longer worthwhile for us to have collision coverage. Old age has even been kind to the Toyota's engine, which required only three major repairs in the last several years. And it still delivers twenty-eight miles per gallon in the city and forty-one on the highway _ not bad for a senior citizen.
a. Paragraph 2 contains an irrelevant sentence.
b. Paragraph 2 lacks supporting details at one key spot.
c. Time order in paragraph 2 is confused.
d. Paragraph 2 contains two run-ons.
I've heard that when a Toyota passes the twenty-thousands-mile mark with no problems, it will probably go on forever. I wouldn't disagree. Our Toyota breezed past that mark many years ago. Since then, I've been able to count on it to sputter to life and make its way down the driveway on the coldest, snowiest mornings. The Toyota may have the body of an old car, but beneath its elderly hood hums the engine of a teenager.
a. Paragraph 3 contains an irrelevant sentence.
b. Paragraph 3 lacks supporting details at one key spot.
c. Time order in paragraph 3 is confused.
d. Paragraph 3 contains two run-ons.

Last of all, having the same care for many years offers the advantage of familiarity. I open the door and slide into the driver's seat, the soft vinyl surrounds me like a well-worm glove. I know to the millimeter exactly how much room I have when I turn a corner or back into a curbside parking space. My gas gauge points to "empty," I know that 1.3 gallons are still in reserve, and I can plan accordingly. The front wheels invariably begin to shake when I go more than fifty miles an hour, reminding me that I am exceeding the speeding limit. With the Toyota, the only surprises I face come from other drivers.
e. Paragraph 4 contains an irrelevant sentence.
f. Paragraph 4 lacks supporting details at one key spot.
g. Time order in paragraph 4 is confused.
h. Paragraph 4 contains two run-ons.
I prize my fourteen-year-old Toyota's economy and dependability, and most of all, it's familiarity. It is faded, predictable, and comfortable, like a well-worn pair of jeans. And like a well-worn pair of jeans, it will be difficult to throw away.
Which method is used in the conclusion of "The joys of an Old Car"?
a. Summary and final thought
b. Thought provoking question
c. Recommendation

B . Check the sentences that would make good topic sentences. Discus why the other sentences would be ineffective.

____ 1. My play "Cast the handicaps" received a big applause this week.
____ 2. The leftover macaroni and cheese in my refrigerator was covered with green
____ 3. The main road into my city is lined with billboard.
____ 4. This paper will be about public celebrations in Arabian countries.
____ 5. A period of loneliness can teach you to use your creativity, sort out your
values, and feel empathy for others.
____ 6. Before Magi could assemble the casserole, he had to brown the meat, dice the
vegetables, and a cream sauce had to be made.

____ 7. As the home team scored the wining touchdown, the excited fans screamed,
cheered, and pennants were waved.

C. Complete the following thesis statements by adding a third supporting point that will parallel the two already provided.

1. Three experiences I wish I could forget are the time I fell off a ladder, the time
I tried to fix the electric mixer, and ------------------------------------.
2. Studying a language can take up a great deal of time, money and ----------------.
3. Please feed the fish, the heat must be turned down, and ---------------------------.
4. After eating a large pizza, two milk shakes, and ------------------------------, Nada was
still hungry.

D. Correct each run-on sentence by putting a period at the end of the first thought and a capital letter at the start of the next thought.
1. Only the female mosquitoes drinks blood the male lives on plant juices. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
2. Jane has the experience to be an excellent marriage counselor she's already been married four times. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

3. The beach was once beautiful now it is covered with cola cans, plastic six pack rings, and cigarette butts. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

E. Write the first supporting body paragraph to give support to the main idea in the introduction.
How to Con an Instructor

Enter a college, and you will soon be reminded of an old saying: " The pen is mightier than the sword." That person behind the instructor's desk holds your future in his or her ink-stained hands. So your first important assignment in college has nothing to do with required readings, examinations, or even the hazards of registration. It is, instead, how to con instructor.


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