عندي واجبات لمادة نجم 101 ولاعرفت الحل ولانه تعليم الكتروني موعد التسليم في الموقع الساعه 12 ولازم يكون الحل صحيح ونا مو عارفه مرااا في الانجليش وعليه 50 درجه حرااام تروح ونا مو عارفه فياليت تساعدوني بنات ربي يسعدكم:39:
الواجب الاول:
Q1: choose the correct answer:
A person how flies the airplane is a ( astornaut – pilot – driver).*
Sarah is a good musician, she can play ( volleyball – guitar – skiing).*
*Mohammad is a ( doctor – farmer – engineer) , he grows potatoes in
his own little farm.
*My father is a ( surgeon – artist – vet) ,he works at King Khaled Hospital.
والواجب الثاني:
Change these sentences into Negative:
1) Ali is a postman.
2) Khaled and Ahmad are dancers.
3) We are actors.
4) She is an actress.
5) I am a vet.
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

Here you are sister ... hope that I helped you
A person how flies the airplane is a ( pilot )
Sarah is a good musician, she can play ( guitar
*Mohammad is a ( farmer ) , he grows potatoes in
his own little farm.
*My father is a ( surgeon ) ,he works at King Khaled Hospital.
Change these sentences into Negative:
Ali is a postman.
Ali is not a postman
2) Khaled and Ahmad are dancers.
khaled and ahmad are not dancers
3) We are actors.
we are not actors
4) She is an actress.
she is not an actress
5) I am a vet
I am not a vet
A person how flies the airplane is a ( pilot )
Sarah is a good musician, she can play ( guitar
*Mohammad is a ( farmer ) , he grows potatoes in
his own little farm.
*My father is a ( surgeon ) ,he works at King Khaled Hospital.
Change these sentences into Negative:
Ali is a postman.
Ali is not a postman
2) Khaled and Ahmad are dancers.
khaled and ahmad are not dancers
3) We are actors.
we are not actors
4) She is an actress.
she is not an actress
5) I am a vet
I am not a vet

مضيعه دبلتها :
والثالث: Change these sentences into Negative: 1) She has got full lips. 2) Ali has got a red car. 3) I have got green eyes. 4) We have got fair hair.والثالث: Change these sentences into Negative: 1) She has got full lips. 2) ...
she has not got a full lips
Ali has not got a red car
I have not got green eyes
we have not got a fair hair

الصفحة الأخيرة
Change these sentences into Negative:
1) She has got full lips.
2) Ali has got a red car.
3) I have got green eyes.
4) We have got fair hair.