الله يسعدها اللي اللي تكتبه لي بالانجلش
عندي برزنتيشن بكره ان شاءالله اللي ماتعرف ترفع الموضوع بليز
1.المانجو مقوي للعظام ومقوي للسمع والنظر
2.الجوافه لامراض الصدر
3.الليمون منشط ومنعش يحتوي على فيتامين سي ولنزلات البرد
4.الفراوله لمرض السكروللحيويه ولنشاط والجمال
5.التفاح مقوي ومذيب للكلسترول
6.الشمام منشط ومقوي للعظام
7.البرتقال منشط ومنعش يفيدلامراض الصدرونزلات البرد
8.الموز يعالج قروح المعده والكلى...
كيوووت قيرل @kyooot_kyrl
محررة برونزية
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.
كيوووت قيرل
سبحان الله وبحمده
Benefits of fruits
. mangoes strengthens bones and strengthens the hearing and to consider
. guava is useful for chest diseases
. lemon is tonic and refreshing, and useful for colds because it contains vitamin C
. Strawberry is useful for diabetes and for the vitality of the body, activity and beauty
. Apple strengthens the body and dissolve cholesterol
. cantaloupe activates the body and strengthens bones
. orange is tonic and refreshing, useful for chest diseases and colds
bananas treated stomach ulcers and kidney
ان شاء الله تكون الترجمة صحيحة ولو احد عنده اي ملاحظ يقولها
. mangoes strengthens bones and strengthens the hearing and to consider
. guava is useful for chest diseases
. lemon is tonic and refreshing, and useful for colds because it contains vitamin C
. Strawberry is useful for diabetes and for the vitality of the body, activity and beauty
. Apple strengthens the body and dissolve cholesterol
. cantaloupe activates the body and strengthens bones
. orange is tonic and refreshing, useful for chest diseases and colds
bananas treated stomach ulcers and kidney
ان شاء الله تكون الترجمة صحيحة ولو احد عنده اي ملاحظ يقولها
يعطيكي العافية special world بس فيه شئ بسيييييط جدا
Benefits of fruits
. mangoes strengthens bones and strengthens the hearing and sight
. guava is useful for chest diseases
. lemon is tonic and refreshing, and useful for colds because it contains vitamin C
. Strawberry is useful for diabetes and for the vitality of the body, activity and beauty
. Apple strengthens the body and dissolve cholesterol
. cantaloupe activates the body and strengthens bones
. orange is tonic and refreshing, useful for chest diseases and colds
bananas treated stomach ulcers and kidney
Benefits of fruits
. mangoes strengthens bones and strengthens the hearing and sight
. guava is useful for chest diseases
. lemon is tonic and refreshing, and useful for colds because it contains vitamin C
. Strawberry is useful for diabetes and for the vitality of the body, activity and beauty
. Apple strengthens the body and dissolve cholesterol
. cantaloupe activates the body and strengthens bones
. orange is tonic and refreshing, useful for chest diseases and colds
bananas treated stomach ulcers and kidney
الصفحة الأخيرة