السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
بنتي بسادس ابتداءي ولكنها عاشت ب امريكا
ولغتها عاليه اللهم بارك من تريد المساعده تتفضل
انا ابيها تنفع غيرها ولاتضيع اللغه وتضيع وقتها بشي هادف
وهي تحب الانجليزي وعقدتها العربي وهي تدرس عماتها ب اول جامعه لانها كانت ممتازه ب امريكا
راح تكتب لكم الان موضوع عن الصداق
Friendship is a gift in life, once you have a friend you can tell her all of your secrets and how you feel, friendship is a good thing. I know that beacause a few years ago I didnt have any friends I would always be too shy to play with anyone. I was always very scared and sad . But one day a very nice girl came up to me, and she told me if i wanted to eat lunch with her and I said yes. While we were eating lunch we started by introducing ourselves to each other. I told her all about me and she told me all about her, and from that day we started to have lunch together everyday , and we started to play together more often. Until all of a sudden we became best friends! We told eachother all of our secrets and how we felt. We were the best friends ever! Thats how I know that you should never be to shy to say hi to anyone. Because then you will have so many friends , and you wont be shy or afraid to do anything because you will have all the friends to support you.

ام انفال و البتول @am_anfal_o_albtol
عضوة فعالة
هذا الموضوع مغلق.

Ashqat alg3nan
الله يجزاك خير ام انفال بس ياليت تنزلي لنا حلول كتاب الانجليزي النشاط انا منازل وماعرفت اذاكره

ياليت تساعدنا في كتاب الانجليزي ثالث ثانوي
حل تمارين النشاط والقواعد
الكتاب اسمه
حل تمارين النشاط والقواعد
الكتاب اسمه

حار حلو
انا استلمت كتاب الانقلش
ومالقيت تبسيط باي مكتبه اذا بنتك بتساعدني
جزاها الله خير
منااااال انا
ومالقيت تبسيط باي مكتبه اذا بنتك بتساعدني
جزاها الله خير
منااااال انا
الصفحة الأخيرة