
tanya @tanya

كبيرة محررات

بنات الشرقية اين نشتري السجاد


مراحب بنات غفر الله لي و لوالدي و لكم و لامة محمد اجمعين في هذا الشهر الفضيل

بنات ابغى اشتري سجاد راهي لغرفه كبيره و ين تنصحوني اروح
الميره الموجود عنده يفشل فمش عارفه اين اذهب

الباميا علاج السكر

Please note that another name for Lady Finger is " OKRA ".
Last month in one of TV program I learnt of a treatment of Sugar
(Diabetes). Since I am diabetic, I tried it and it was very useful and my
Sugar is in control now. In fact I have already reduced my medicine.
Take two pieces of Lady Finger and remove/cut both ends of each
Piece. Also put a small cut in the middle and put these two pieces in
glass of water. Cover the glass and keep it at room temperature during
night. Early morning, before breakfast simply remove two pieces of lady
Finger from the glass and drink that water.
Keep doing it on daily basis.
Within two weeks, you will see remarkable results in reduction of your
My sister has got rid of her diabetes. She was on Insulin for a few
years, but after taking the lady fingers every morning for a few months,
she has stopped Insulin but continues to take the lady fingers every
day. But she chops the lady fingers into fine pieces in the night, adds
the water and drinks it all up the next morning. Please. try it as it
will not do you any harm even if it does not do much good to you, but U
have to keep taking it for a few months before U see results, as most

cases might be chronic .

خذ عدد 2من الباميا واقطع طرفيها ثم اقطع من الوسط قليلا ثم ضعها بكأس به ماء وضع غطاء عليه

حتى الصباح

وعند الصباح قبل الفطور ازل قطعتي الباميا واشرب الماء فقط وداوم على هذا لمدة اسبوعين

سوف تجد ان السكر ينخفض بدرجة كبيرة العلاج مجرب من اكثر من شخص .

هذا والله أعلم

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول
