السلام عليكم ورحمت الله وبركاته
بنات الكليه الصحيه ياممرضات المستقبل
تكفوووووووووون ساعدوني والله الي خلق السموات الدعي لها
انا عندي سمنار يوم السبت عنAIR LEAK DISORDERS
وماني فاهمه الموضوع لانه ماقد احد شرحه ليه
ابغاكم تساعدوني في الشرح والترجمه
انا جربت اترجمه على قوقل بس اغلاب الكلم موئ مفهوم
الله يسعدكم افاهموني الموضوع
air leak disorders consist of those conditions that result in extraalveolar air accumulation..
these disorders are commonly classified into two categories?
pnemothorax and barotrauma\volutrauma!
"A pneumothorax occurs as the result of the accumulation of air or other gas in the pleural space
" whereas barottrauma and volutrauma occur as the result of the accumuation of air
in the interstitial space
either excessive pressure in the alveoli(barotrauma)or excessive volume in the alveoli
(volutrauma) can lead to excessive alveolar wall stress and damage to the alveolar-capillary membrane resulting in air escaping into the surrounding spaces
The two main causes of air leak disorders are.
1-disruption of the parietal or visceral pleura,which allows air to enter the pleural space.
2-rupture of alveoli which allows air to enter the interstitial space.
disruption of the parietal pleura occurs as the result of penetrating trauma to the chest wall, which allows atmospheric air to enter the pleural space(traumatic open pneumothorax) disruption of th visceral pleura occurs as the result o air entering the pleural space from the lung. this may be causd by bluntchet wll trauma(traumatic closed pneumothorax) diagnstic or therapeutic procedures(traumatic atogenic pnemothorax)diseaes of the pulmonr system (seconday spontaneous pneumothorax) or ruptured subpleural blebs(primary spontaneous pneumothorax) Alveolar rupture occurs as the result of a change in the pressure gradient between the alveoli and the surrounding interstitial space. one of the most common causes of barotrauma and volutrauma is mechanical ventilation
the pathologic consequences of pneumothorax and barotrauma\volutrauma are different
regardless of the etiology.once air enters the pleural space. the affected lung becomes compressed.as the lung collapses. the alveoli become under ventilated.causing V\Q mismatching and intrapulmonary shunting.If the pneumothorax is large. hypoxemia ensues and acute respirator failure quickly develops. in addition,increased pressure within the chest can lead to vessels,and decreased cardiac output
الله يفرج همومكم ساعدوني

خطاي اغليتك1 @khtay_aghlytk1
عضوة فعالة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

خطاي اغليتك1
تكفون ساعدوني

تجمع بنات الكليات الصحية (الطب + العلوم الطبية + التمريض )
ترى الكلام سهل لكن المصطلحات التشريحية يبي لها ترجمة وانتوا اخذتوها في علم التشريح ..
تجمع بنات الكليات الصحية (الطب + العلوم الطبية + التمريض )
ترى الكلام سهل لكن المصطلحات التشريحية يبي لها ترجمة وانتوا اخذتوها في علم التشريح ..
الصفحة الأخيرة