السلام عليكم
حبيت اذكر بنات منطقة تورنتو عن عشاء خيري مقدم من مؤسسة عرفان الاسلاميه لمناصرة شعب غزة

راح يكون في يوم الجمعه
Friday, January 2, 2009
6:30pm - 10:00pm
Olive Grove School
2300Speakman Drive
في مدينة
Mississauga, ON
ضيوف المناسبة
الدكتور منير القاسم والشيخ عبد الله ادريس
لمعلومات اخرى مراسلة

اتمنى من قلبي انه اللي يقدر يحضره يحاول كل جهده انه يحضر
غزه في هاللحظه في اشد الحاجه لتبرعاتنا ومساعدتنا حتى لو بالحضور
والبنات اللي مشاركين في موقع الفيس بوك راح تلاقو الافنت تحت عنوان
Help Gaza! 1
اتمنى تنشرو الخبر لكل معارفكم في تورنتو وباذن الله مؤسسة عرفان من اكثر المنظمات الكنديه اللي تساهم في مساعدة اهالي فلسطين وبأسرع فترة ممكنه، نحسبهم كذلك ولا نزكي على الله احدا.
يانار كوني بردا وسلاما على غزة
وصلنى منهم كمان هالأيميل
From: info@irfan.ca
To: xxxxxxxx@hotmail.com
Subject: Urgent Appeal for GAZA
Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2008 19:08:14 -0500
Urgent Humanitarian Appeal for the Needy People of Gaza, Palestine
Dear Generous Donor,
The daily attacks and bombings of the Gaza Strip had brought death, injury, destruction and misery to the civilian population. Life has become intolerable and unbearable. The situation is worsened by the imposition of a strict and comprehensive closure on all of Gaza's borders, which resulted in placing over 1.4 million Palestinians under complete siege for an indefinite period.
These attacks so far resulted in deaths and injuries of civilians including women and children.The toll of injured individuals has risen to over 1,600. With the increasing number of injured civilians, hospitals are unable to receive new patients due to the lack of drugs, medical supplies and oil to generate electricity. The general population is lacking the basic necessities of life such as shelter, food, clean water and medications.
This is a humanitarian crisis. Your donation and prayers are desperately needed in order to help your brothers and sisters in the Gaza Strip.
Thank you.
Rasem Abdel-Majid
General Manager
Ways to Donate:
1) By Phone / Fax / Email - Please contact one of our office listed in the following link:
2) Online - You can donate online by Credit Card through our website, please click the following:
3) By Mail - Please send us your donation pledge form or Cheque to our main office in Mississauga:
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 1628 Stn "B"
Mississauga, ON L4Y 4G3