*-*-*-*-* بنات من تقدر تساعدني في تصحيح مقالي*-*-*-* تكفون

اللغة الأنجليزية

السلام عليكم
كيفكم بنات حواء
الله يعطيكم العافية من تقدر تصحح مقالي من ناحية القرامر وترتيب الافكار واخراجها
The Position of Woman in Islam
Islam rises up the position of woman. It puts her in apposition appreciated by all those who understand Islam well. But there are some stands against the fairness and mercifulness of Islam. Their belief is Islam is not good for all ages and for all people. They find women is the suitable entrance to proof their belief.
We can recognize how much Islam rises up the position of woman by making a comparison between the life of woman before and after Islam.
Woman lived in a real darkness of injustice and inhumanity life. In Old Rome, woman lived as a salve. They have no rights as a man. Roman men discussed about the woman. They decided that a woman is a creature which had no soul. So that, she had not to live in the heaven life. Also, they decided that she is a bad deed done by Satan. She had no rights to eat meat , to laugh and to talk. Men put locks on womens' mouths to prevent them to talk. Women from all classes had to put those locks in their hoses or in streets. Woman had no real rule in life. She had to spend her life praying and employing men.
In Athena, woman was considered also as a bad deed done by Satan. She was bought and sold as a slave.
In Old India, people had beliefs that diseases, death, hill, poison, snacks and fire are better than woman. Her life had to end when her husband died. So, when her husband's body was burned, she had to throw herself in the same fire. If she did not do that, she will be damned forever.
"During the middle ages, the European woman had no independence. She was considered as a creature not as a human." Said by Weith kondson, a Dutch writer, explained the way of Old Catholic Church towards woman.
"Woman in the old ages was lost her independence from her birth until her death. In Roma, Greece, India, China and Arabic peninsula, the husband owned his wife as a slave. She was bought and sold as a slave. Her father bought her to her husband. By that buying, her ownership moved from her father to her husband. Her husband had the right to buy her to another man.
Her life did not change in the latest ages. In France, in 586 AD, they discussed if a woman was a human or not. Then, they decided that she was a human but she was created just to employ men. French men proofed her humanity but it was not a complete humanity. The French woman was lost a lot of their rights. In 1938, the French government produced a rule canceled all the previous rules which prevented the French woman from their financial rights. She had the right to use her money freely and the right to be a heir.
In England, the Eighth Henry King prevented the English woman to read the Holy Book."said by Qassim Ameen.
In Arabic peninsula, woman lived an insulted life. She was considered as an infamy deed . she was killed immediately after her birth. Those who were not killed lived injustice life. She had no rights in inheritance.
In Islam, woman has all her rights as a human. She has her complete independence. Islam makes no difference between woman and man. They are equal in front of Allah. They have to do the same good deeds as praying, fasting…..etc and the will have the same rewards.
"للرجال نصيب مما اكتسبوا وللنساء نصيب مما اكتسبن Allah says;"
" فاستجاب لهم ربهم اني لا اضيع عمل عامل منكم من ذكر او انثى"and
Islam explains how woman lives a good life. It saves her from that inhumanity and injustice life. She has the right to learn religious and other sciences, to marry in a way saves her independence and to be heir. Islam put norms to save woman from herself, from Satan and from all devil people around her. It wants her to live a reputable, virtuous and settled life. The governmental statistics in U.K. and in U.S.A. , emphasize that the number of illegal sons nine times since 1967. Because of that immorality life, those women who have illegal sons are named by " miss mother".
There are a lot of verses in Qura'n talks about women and there are a swrah named "Alnesa'a" and another swrah named " Mariam". Also prophet Mohammed ( peace be upon him) treated his wives in the best way. He started his last speech in Hajat al wada'a by advising men to treat women in a good way. He put special times to talk to women in their affairs as he did with men." Asma Al Anssariah with some women asked him that ; men go to wars and go to obsequies. And we stay homes to save their money and educate their sons. So, Do we share them the same rewards? . he told them that if women just treat her husband well, they will get rewards more than rewards of all those deeds which she asked about".
Islam learns her everything linked her life. It learns her how eat her parents, husband , sons and all people around her. It learns her how believes in Allah ,how prays and all good deeds.
It adapt a good life for her from her birth until her death. When she was born , her parents are glad for that. They have to name her a good name. also, they have to educate her well. After her marrying, her husband has to treat her well and spend money for her. After having sons, they have to treat their mother very well. After her death, they have to do good deeds and pray for her.
We have to thank Allah who put that good life for us. We have to thank Him to create us as Muslims .Thanks a lot Allah.

وصححة لي ادكتور
وهذا تصحيحة لكن مافهمت بعضة

The Position of Woman in Islam
Islam raises up the position of woman. It puts her in a
position appreciated by all those who understand Islam well. But there are some who stand against the fairness and mercifulness of Islam. Their belief is that Islam is not suitable for all ages and for all people. They find women to be the suitable entrance to proof their belief.
(ambiguous; rephrase)
We can recognize how much Islam venerates the position of woman by making a comparison between the life of woman before and after Islam. Woman lived in a real darkness of injustice and inhumane life.
In Old Rome, woman lived as a salve. They had no rights as a man.
Roman men (?) discussed about the woman. They decided that a woman is a creature which had no soul. So, she had not to live in the heaven life (?)
Also, they decided that she is a
bad deed done by Satan. She had no
rights to eat meat , to laugh and to talk. Men put locks on women's
mouths to prevent them from talking. Women from all classes had to put those locks in their houses or in streets. Woman had no real role in life. She had to spend her life praying and employed by men.
In Athens, woman was considered also as a bad deed (?) done by
Satan. She was bought and sold as a slave.
In Old India, people had beliefs that diseases, death, hell,
poison, snakes and fire are better than woman. Her life had to end when her husband died. So, when her husband's body was burned, she had to throw herself in the same fire. If she did not do that, she will be damned
"During the middle
ages, the European woman had no independence.
She was considered as a creature not as a human." Said by Weith
kondson, a Dutch writer, explained the way of Old Catholic Church towards
"Woman in the old ages has lost her independence from her birth
until her death. In Roma, Greece, India, China and Arabic peninsula,
the husband owned his wife as a slave. She was bought and sold as a
slave. Her father bought her to her husband. By that buying, her ownership
moved from her father to her husband. Her husband had the right to buy
her to another man.
Her life did not change in the latest ages. In France, in 586
AD, they discussed if a woman was a human or not. Then, they decided
that she was a human but she was created just to employ men. French
proofed her humanity but it was not a complete humanity. The French
woman was lost a lot of their rights. In 1938, the French government
produced a rule canceled all the previous rules which prevented the French
woman from their financial rights. She had the right to use her money
freely and the right to be a heir.
In England, the Eighth Henry King prevented the English woman
to read the Holy Book."said by Qassim Ameen.
In Arabic peninsula, woman lived an insulted life. She was
considered as an infamy deed . she was killed immediately after her birth.
Those who were not killed lived injustice life. She had no rights in
In Islam, woman has all her rights as a human. She has her
complete independence. Islam makes no difference between woman and man.
They are equal in front of Allah. They have to do the same good deeds as
praying, fasting…..etc and the will have the same rewards.
"ááÑÌÇá äÕíÈ ããÇ ÇßÊÓÈæÇ æááäÓÇÁ äÕíÈ
ããÇ ÇßÊÓÈä Allah
" ÝÇÓÊÌÇÈ áåã ÑÈåã Çäí áÇ ÇÖíÚ Úãá ÚÇãá
ãäßã ãä ÐßÑ Çæ ÇäËì"and
Islam explains how woman lives a good life. It saves her
from that inhumane and unjust life. She has the right to learn
religious and other sciences, to marry in a way saves her independence and
to be heir. Islam put norms to save woman from herself, from Satan and
from all devil people around her. It wants her to live a reputable,
virtuous and settled life. The governmental statistics in U.K. and in
U.S.A. ,
emphasize that the number of illegal sons nine times since 1967.
Because of that immorality life, those women who have illegal sons are
named by " miss mother".
There are a lot of verses in Qura'n talks about women and there are a
swrah named "Alnesa'a" and
another swrah named " Mariam". Also prophet
Mohammed ( peace be upon him) treated his wives in the best way. He
started his last speech in Hajat al wada'a by advising men to treat women
in a good way. He put special times to talk to women in their affairs
as he did with men." Asma Al Anssariah with some women asked him that ;
men go to wars and go to obsequies. And we stay homes to save their
money and educate their sons. So, Do we share them the same rewards? . he
told them that if women just treat her husband well, they will get
rewards more than rewards of all those deeds which she asked about".
Islam teaches her everything that links her to life. It learns her how
eat her parents, husband , sons and all people around her. It learns
her how believes in Allah ,how prays and all good deeds.
It adapt a good life for her from her birth until her death.
When she was born , her parents are glad for that. They have to name her
a good name. also, they have to educate her well. After her marrying,
her husband has to treat her well and spend money for her. After having
sons, they have to treat their mother very well. After her death, they
have to do good deeds and pray for her.
We have to thank Allah who put that good life for us. We have to thank Him
for creating us as Muslims .Praise be to Allah SWT.

I prefer that you rewrite the essay ,paying much attention to the grammatical and orthographical mistakes. May Allah SWT bless you. You certainly have exerted much effort; however, your contributions lack

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

شموخ ألإيمان
شموخ ألإيمان
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

أخية لم أفهم ما المطلوب ؟؟!!

أي المقالين تريدين المساعدة في تصحيحه؟؟!!
تسلمين يالغالية
واسال الله انة يكتب اجرك
الاول هو الموضوع الاساسي
والثاني تصحيح الدكتور لة ولكنة قال لي
prefer that you rewrite the essay ,paying much attention to the grammatical and orthographical mistakes. May Allah SWT bless you. You certainly have exerted much effort; however, your contributions lack

وبعض البرقرافات قال لي انها غامضة وماعرفت اعيد صياغتها.
سمسمة الغالية

هل بالامكان تحديد الفقرات التي بحاجة لإعادة الصياغة

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