زاد خير @zad_khyr
بنتي عندها بحث عن العمل
اخواتي ياريت تساعدون بنتي عندها بحث عن اي عمل بالانجليزي وكل ما تدخل موقع تلاقي الترجمه صعبه :( يا ريت تساعدوها لانها لازم تسلم البحث بعد باكر ولكم مني جزيل الشكر
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.
زاد خير
عز وشموخ :يا حبيلس بس... ذكرتيني بنفسي ايام الدراسه يا اني غاثتن امي بعد (تعبير ,رسم,خياطه....الخ) بس بصراحه ما فهمت المطلوب , اللي فهمته انه بحث بالانجليزي , طيب عن اي موضوع وكم طول البحث اقصد كم صفحه , وانشاء الله اقدر اساعدك اذا قدرت.يا حبيلس بس... ذكرتيني بنفسي ايام الدراسه يا اني غاثتن امي بعد (تعبير ,رسم,خياطه....الخ) بس...
اختي عز وشموخ والله ان ردك اثلج صدري وجعلها الله في ميزان حسناتك واسفه لاني لم اوضح طلبت معلمة الانجليزي موضوع عن اي مهنه يعني عن مهنة الخياطه او النجاره اوحتى التمريض اي عمل ويكفي صفحه واحده وادعو من الله ان يبلغك ما تتمنيه
عز وشموخ
هلا اختي ... جيت وجبت البحث
انشاء الله يكون المطلوب..واذا حبيتي اي تعديل او زياده انا مستعده:rolleyes:
Nursing is a profession focused on assisting individuals, families, and communities in attaining, re-attaining, and maintaining optimal health and functioning. Modern definitions of nursing define it as a science and an art that focuses on promoting quality of life as defined by persons and families, throughout their life experiences from birth to care at the end of life. Nursing,is based on the ideal of service to humanity.
A nurse is a health care professional who is engaged in the practice of nursing. Nurses are responsible—along with other health care professionals—for the treatment, safety, and recovery of acutely or chronically ill or injured people, health maintenance of the healthy, and treatment of life-threatening emergencies in a wide range of health care settings. Nurses may also be involved in medical and nursing research and perform a wide range of non-clinical functions necessary to the delivery of health care.Nurses practice in a wide range of settings, from hospitals to visiting people in their homes and caring for them in schools to research in pharmaceutical companies. Nurses work in occupational health settings (also called industrial health settings), free-standing clinics and physician offices, nurse-run clinics, long-term care facilities, and camps.
To become a nurse,one must at the very minimum hold a Diploma in Nursing and have trained for three years, or two years on an 'accelerated' course, (or equivalent if from overseas). After training, the opportunities are vast, with many different areas of nursing, from general ward to teaching or management. Also the practise areas can be in hospital, or in the community or both.
انشاء الله يكون المطلوب..واذا حبيتي اي تعديل او زياده انا مستعده:rolleyes:
Nursing is a profession focused on assisting individuals, families, and communities in attaining, re-attaining, and maintaining optimal health and functioning. Modern definitions of nursing define it as a science and an art that focuses on promoting quality of life as defined by persons and families, throughout their life experiences from birth to care at the end of life. Nursing,is based on the ideal of service to humanity.
A nurse is a health care professional who is engaged in the practice of nursing. Nurses are responsible—along with other health care professionals—for the treatment, safety, and recovery of acutely or chronically ill or injured people, health maintenance of the healthy, and treatment of life-threatening emergencies in a wide range of health care settings. Nurses may also be involved in medical and nursing research and perform a wide range of non-clinical functions necessary to the delivery of health care.Nurses practice in a wide range of settings, from hospitals to visiting people in their homes and caring for them in schools to research in pharmaceutical companies. Nurses work in occupational health settings (also called industrial health settings), free-standing clinics and physician offices, nurse-run clinics, long-term care facilities, and camps.
To become a nurse,one must at the very minimum hold a Diploma in Nursing and have trained for three years, or two years on an 'accelerated' course, (or equivalent if from overseas). After training, the opportunities are vast, with many different areas of nursing, from general ward to teaching or management. Also the practise areas can be in hospital, or in the community or both.
زاد خير
عز وشموخ :هلا اختي ... جيت وجبت البحث انشاء الله يكون المطلوب..واذا حبيتي اي تعديل او زياده انا مستعده:rolleyes: Nursing Nursing is a profession focused on assisting individuals, families, and communities in attaining, re-attaining, and maintaining optimal health and functioning. Modern definitions of nursing define it as a science and an art that focuses on promoting quality of life as defined by persons and families, throughout their life experiences from birth to care at the end of life. Nursing,is based on the ideal of service to humanity. A nurse is a health care professional who is engaged in the practice of nursing. Nurses are responsible—along with other health care professionals—for the treatment, safety, and recovery of acutely or chronically ill or injured people, health maintenance of the healthy, and treatment of life-threatening emergencies in a wide range of health care settings. Nurses may also be involved in medical and nursing research and perform a wide range of non-clinical functions necessary to the delivery of health care.Nurses practice in a wide range of settings, from hospitals to visiting people in their homes and caring for them in schools to research in pharmaceutical companies. Nurses work in occupational health settings (also called industrial health settings), free-standing clinics and physician offices, nurse-run clinics, long-term care facilities, and camps. To become a nurse,one must at the very minimum hold a Diploma in Nursing and have trained for three years, or two years on an 'accelerated' course, (or equivalent if from overseas). After training, the opportunities are vast, with many different areas of nursing, from general ward to teaching or management. Also the practise areas can be in hospital, or in the community or both. وبس:)هلا اختي ... جيت وجبت البحث انشاء الله يكون المطلوب..واذا حبيتي اي تعديل او زياده انا...
ماشاء الله عليك:) الله يزيدك اكثر واكثر وجعلها الله في ميزان حسناتك اضعاف مضاعفه امين
الصفحة الأخيرة
بس بصراحه ما فهمت المطلوب , اللي فهمته انه بحث بالانجليزي , طيب عن اي موضوع وكم طول البحث اقصد كم صفحه , وانشاء الله اقدر اساعدك اذا قدرت.