السلام عليكم يا بنات كيف احوالكم
بنات حبيت انبهكم انه صدر من منظمة الدواء الامريكية بالامس تحذير من علاقة دواء الاكزيما Elidel and Protopic بمرض سرطان الجلد وسرطان الغدد اللمفاويه
فبناء على التحذير:
- يمنع استخدامها للاطفال اقل من سنتين او الاطفال المصابين بنقص المناعه
- للاطفال الاكبر من سنتين لا يجب استخدامه الا اذا فشلت طرق العلاج الاوليه وحتى اذا استخدم يجب استخدام اقل جرعه ممكنه ولمده قصيره و لفترات متقطعه.
لذا انصحكم يابنات بمراجعة طبيب الاطفال او الجلديه الذي يتولى علاج اطفالكم للاستفسار
وهذا نص التحذير
Eczema Drugs Elidel and Protopic May Be Linked to Cancer Risk
Yael Waknine
Medscape 2005. © 2005 WebMD Inc.
March 11, 2005 — The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned healthcare professionals and patients via public health advisory of the potential cancer risk associated with use of pimecrolimus cream (Elidel, made by Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp.) and tacrolimus ointment (Protopic, made by Fujisawa Healthcare Inc.), according to an alert sent yesterday from MedWatch, the FDA's safety information and adverse event reporting program.
The warning was based on recommendations made by the FDA's Pediatric Advisory Committee during its Feb. 15 meeting.
Tacrolimus ointment and pimecrolimus cream are topical immunosuppressant calcineurin inhibitors. They were approved in December 2000 and 2001, respectively, for the treatment of eczema.
Since the approval of tacrolimus, the FDA has received 10 reports of serious adverse events associated with its use in children younger than two years, and 17 reports of cancer (including non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and skin cancer) in all age groups.
Pimecrolimus cream has demonstrated a similar adverse event profile; 54 serious adverse events (many of them skin-related) have been linked to its use in pediatric patients younger than two years. Eight cancers have been reported in all age groups, with half of these occurring in pediatric patients aged two years and older.
Although causation has not been established, results of animal studies have also linked topical or oral exposure to these drugs with the development of cancer in three different animal species (mice, rats, and monkeys).
The FDA notes that these studies were conducted at doses higher than those normally used by patients, and that the risk of cancer increased with increased drug dose and duration, possibly leading to systemic exposure. Systemic exposure to tacrolimus through tablets/injection (to prevent rejection of liver or kidney transplants) is known to carry a risk of skin cancer and lymphoma.
Because studies of 10 years or longer may be required to determine the presence and extent of cancer risk in patients using these topical products, the FDA has recommended that pimecrolimus cream and tacrolimus ointment be used only for second-line, short-term, and intermittent treatment of atopic dermatitis (eczema) in patients unresponsive to or intolerant of other treatments.
The FDA notes that use of pimecrolimus and tacrolimus topical products is contraindicated in children younger than two years. Clinical studies have shown an increased incidence of upper respiratory infection in this population upon exposure, and effects on the developing immune system are unknown. Their use in immunocompromised adults and children is also contraindicated.
To minimize the possibility of systemic exposure, pimecrolimus and tacrolimus topical products should only be used for short periods of time and at the lowest effective dose.
Adverse events related to use of pimecrolimus cream or tacrolimus ointment should be reported to the FDA's MedWatch program by phone at 1-800-FDA-1088, by fax at 1-800-FDA-0178, online at http://www.fda.gov/medwatch, or by mail to 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20852-9787.
Reviewed by Gary D. Vogin, MD
والله يحفظكم من كل مكروه
منوري$$ @mnory_2
عضوة جديدة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
نصيحه نصيحه يا أخوات ابعدوا ادوية الاكزيما عن اطفالكم والله تراها مضره بالصحه .. وتحتوي على مادة الكرتيزون ..
خلوها على الله وتخف لما يكبر بإذن الله .. وبعد السباحه دلكوا جسم الطفل بالفازلين لأن الاكزيما تسبب الجفاف .. وابتعدوا عن شامبو البيبي جونسون
نصيحه نصيحه يا أخوات ابعدوا ادوية الاكزيما عن اطفالكم والله تراها مضره بالصحه .. وتحتوي على مادة الكرتيزون ..
خلوها على الله وتخف لما يكبر بإذن الله .. وبعد السباحه دلكوا جسم الطفل بالفازلين لأن الاكزيما تسبب الجفاف .. وابتعدوا عن شامبو البيبي جونسون
جزاك الله خير يا أم طلحه بس حبيت اقولكم ان هذي الادويه لا تحتوي على كرتوزون وقد استخدمت كبديل للكرتوزون وكثير من الاطباء فرحوا فيه لكن صدر هذا التحذير مؤخرا
الصفحة الأخيرة
ووصوفوه لولدي تقريبا من سنة
واستخدمته ليه (الله يحفظه من كل مكروه)
لكن استغربت لما اتصلوا من أسبوعين (مع أننا قطعنا عنهم سنة) وسابوا لنا مسج وقالوا إذا كنتم لسة بتستخدموا الدواء وقفوا الإستخدام وأعملوا موعد ...إذن هذا هو السبب
الله ينتقم منهم يارب
الله يحفظ ولدي استخدمه فترة طويلة :(