
oneixdoctor @oneixdoctor

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تحميل الياهو ماسنجرyahoo messenger 9 احدث اصدار من البرنامج

الحاسب والجوال

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الى كل الاصدقاء فى المنتدى كلنا طبعا نستخدم برنامج الياهو ماسنجر yahoo messenger وهذا هو الاصدار الاحدث.

رابط التحميل:

لا تبخل بالرد حتى لو كان نقدا.....

وصف البرنامج من وجهة نظرى:

برنامج الياهو ماسنجر 9 الجديد هو من اجمل برامج الدردشة الموجودة حاليا لعدة اسباب الكل سيلحظها مع الاسثخدام:

سريع التحميل ولا يبطئ الكمبيوتر

يمكنك من الشات مع مستخدمى لايف ماسنجر msn live messenger

يحتوى على العديد من البتسامات الجديدة

نقاء الصوت اتناء الشات الصوتى

وهناك العديد من المميزات الاخرى التى يمتاز بها الياهو ماسنجر الجديد ولكن اكتشفها بنفسك اثناء الاسثخدام

الوصف بالانجليزية من متخصص فى هدا المجال

Yahoo! Messenger is a fully featured online communication tool. Its setup integrates the Yahoo! Toolbar which provides anti-spy, pop-up blocker, and quick access to other Yahoo! services (mail, photos, search, etc). With Yahoo! Messenger you can send instant messages, call computers, call a phone number, send a mobile message, or sign in to Yahoo! Mail.

You can edit your current status or change your picture. It’s also possible to create your own avatar, which is displayed next to your name in your friends’ contact list. Sharing your webcam or seeing other people who enable their webcam is easy. If you don’t want anyone to see when you are online you should log on using the “Invisible” status. Nobody, except the people you select, would notice you are around. Messages are sent to your friends regardless of their online/offline status. Depending on your network configuration, you should also be able to use this instant messenger for sending files.

During instant messages you have the possibility to customize fonts, send emoticons and audibles, and select IMVironments. Everything is provided for you to have a great time while chatting with your friends. The Inside Yahoo! window provides quick links to news, finance, personals, movies, horoscopes, etc. You also get notifications of new emails and voice messages in this window. If you don’t like this feature, you can turn it off from the program’s preferences.

In version 8, the “Content Tabs” in the “Preferences” window has been removed. Now “Yahoo! Plug-ins” are available. So far you can install about 15 plug-ins like Music LAUNCHcast, Answers, 360, eBay, iTunes,, Finance, Calendar, Weather, and others. It’s easy to stay up to date with new music, movies, sports results, and other stuff that may be of interest to you.

Pluses: On first run, Yahoo! Messenger will look in your Yahoo! Address Book and Microsoft Outlook for new contacts or for people who are using Messenger but are not in your list of contacts. This is done in order to complete your contact list.

The good news is that you can now add any Windows Live Messenger user to your contact list. After installing Yahoo! Messenger, simply click on the link “IM with Windows Live (MSN) Messenger”, follow the instructions, and you’ll be able to chat with Windows Live Messenger users.

Several extra plugins and features are provided. LAUNCHcast radio comes with lots of online radio stations to choose from. You can select a favourite radio station as “My Station”. Yahoo! Games enables you to play Chess, Pool, Backgammon, Word Racer, or other games with your friends, while at the same time talking to them. Yahoo 360 blogging community is a way to keep connected with friends and family using blogs, pictures, and more.

All menu buttons and the skins are customizable, subject to change according to your preferences. The default skin in this version is Maverick Blue. If want to change this skin, you should access the “Change skin” submenu of the “Messenger” menu.

Drawbacks / flaws: In some network environments you may discover that you are not able to send or receive files.

In conclusion: One of the best online communication tools. I have used Yahoo! Messenger for a long time and I almost always was satisfied with it. Download now and explore its full potential

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