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Reflect Flyer Bundle 233268 Graphicriver
Photoshop PSD - JPG Image | Print Dimensions 4x6 | 1.1 Gb

Note, the images used in the preview are not included in the download. Contact me if you would like info on them.
Below are the links to the individual template preview pages:
Magenta Template : Print Templates - Magenta Poster/Flyer Template | GraphicRiver
Reflext Template: Print Templates - Reflx Poster/Flyer Template | GraphicRiver
Spirit Template : Print Templates - FreeSpirits Flyer Template | GraphicRiver
Each PSD file is well organised, and each file comes with a readme document with font details and specific instructions on editing the template.

Demo: Print Templates - Reflect Flyer Bundle | GraphicRiver

Ps: Since Filesonic is now the most popular and convenient host for downloading. I recommend you to get an Filesonic Premium Account to help downloading fast and unlimited. Please Click my link and choose Fast Download to Register for a Premium Filesonic. When your account expires please logout and after that click my link again to register for a new one. It will help me alot. Thank you very much!

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