السلام عليكم لو سمحتوا عندي نص طبي حاولت أترجمه لكن فيه كلمات صعبة ما عرفتها و ما فهمت النص يتكلم عن إيش ياليت تساعدوني في ترجمته وأكون شاكره لكم
Vitamin B complex is most often used to treat deficiencies that are caused by poor vitamin intake, difficulties with vitamin absorption, or conditions causing increased metabolism, such as hyperthyroidism, which deplete vitamin levels at a higher than normal rate. Biotin and pantothenic acid are rarely deficient since they are broadly available in foods, but often persons lacking one type of B vitamin are lacking other B components as well. An individual who may have symptoms due to an inadequate level of one vitamin may suffer from an undetected underlying deficiency as well. One possibility of particular concern is that taking folic acid supplements can cover up the symptoms of cobalamin deficiency. This scenario could result in permanent neurologic damage if the cobalamin shortage remains untreated. Some of the B vitamins have unique functions within the body that allow a particular deficiency to be readily identified. Often, however, they **** in concert so symptoms due to various inadequate components may overlap. In general, poor B vitamin levels will cause profound fatigue and an assortment of neurologic manifestations, which may include weakness, poor balance, confusion, irritability, memory loss, nervousness, tingling of the limbs, and loss of coordination. Depression may be an early sign of significantly low levels of pyridoxine, as well as other B vitamins. Furthermore, research indicated that additional symptoms of vitamin B deficiency are sleep disturbances, nausea, poor appetite, frequent infections, and skin lesions.

Ranah!! @ranah_1
عضوة جديدة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

موفقة ...اي استفسار راسليني ...
وادعيلي بالرزق الواسع وان يفرج الله كربي عاجلا عير اجل
وادعيلي بالرزق الواسع وان يفرج الله كربي عاجلا عير اجل

الاميرة لينة :
موفقة ...اي استفسار راسليني ... وادعيلي بالرزق الواسع وان يفرج الله كربي عاجلا عير اجلموفقة ...اي استفسار راسليني ... وادعيلي بالرزق الواسع وان يفرج الله كربي عاجلا عير اجل
عندي نص ثاني إذا ماعليك أمر ترجميه لي
الله يوفقك ويسعدك و يفرج كل همومك يارب
Vaccines are harmless agents, perceived as enemies. They are molecules, usually but not necessarily proteins, that elicit an immune response, thereby providing protective immunity against a potential pathogen. While the pathogen can be a bacterium or even a eukaryotic protozoan, most successful vaccines have been raised against viruses and here we shall deal with anti-viral vaccines.
Immunity to a virus normally depends on the development of an immune response to antigens on the surface of a virally infected cell or on the surface of the virus particle itself. Immune responses to internal antigens often play little role in immunity. Thus, in influenza pandemics, a novel surface glycoprotein acquired as a result of antigenic shift characterizes the new virus strain against which the population has little or no immunity. This new strain of influenza virus may, nevertheless, contain internal proteins that have been in previous influenza strains. Surface glycoproteins are often referred to as protective antigens. To make a successful vaccine against a virus, the nature of these surface antigens must be known unless the empirical approach
الله يوفقك ويسعدك و يفرج كل همومك يارب
Vaccines are harmless agents, perceived as enemies. They are molecules, usually but not necessarily proteins, that elicit an immune response, thereby providing protective immunity against a potential pathogen. While the pathogen can be a bacterium or even a eukaryotic protozoan, most successful vaccines have been raised against viruses and here we shall deal with anti-viral vaccines.
Immunity to a virus normally depends on the development of an immune response to antigens on the surface of a virally infected cell or on the surface of the virus particle itself. Immune responses to internal antigens often play little role in immunity. Thus, in influenza pandemics, a novel surface glycoprotein acquired as a result of antigenic shift characterizes the new virus strain against which the population has little or no immunity. This new strain of influenza virus may, nevertheless, contain internal proteins that have been in previous influenza strains. Surface glycoproteins are often referred to as protective antigens. To make a successful vaccine against a virus, the nature of these surface antigens must be known unless the empirical approach
الصفحة الأخيرة
البيوتين وحمض البانتوثنيك نادرا ما تكون ناقصة وذلك بسبب وفرتها في العديد من انواع الأطعمة , ولكن في كثير من الاحيان الشخص المفتقر الى نوع واحد من فيتامين ب قد يفتقر ايضا الى انواع او مكونات اخرى.
فالشخص الذي تظهر عليه اعراض نقص فيتامين واحد قد يعاني من نقص كامن غير مكتشف في الفيتامينات الاخرى..
احدى الاحتمالات التي تستدعي القلق انا تناول مكملات حمض الفوليك بغطي على اعراض نقص الكوبالامين..
وهذا السيناريو قد يؤدي الى اضرار عصبية دائمة اذا لم يتم علاج نقص الكوبالامين
بعض انواع فيتامين ب لها وظائف فريده من نوعها داخل الجسم مما يسمح باكتشاف نقص الانواع الاخرى بسهولة
ومع ذلك ففي كثير من الاحيان قد تتداخل الاعراض بسبب النقص في عدد من المكونات المختلفة
وبشكل عام فان نقص فيتامين ب يسبب التعب او الارهاق الشديد ومجموعه متنوعه من الاعراض العصبية والتي قد تشمل الضعف وضعف التوازن والارتباك والتهيج وفقدان الذاكرة والعصبية ووخز في الاطراف وفقدان التنسيق..
وقد يكون الاكتئاب علامة مبكرة للانخفاض الملحوظ في نسبة البيرودكسين او مكونات اخرى من فيتامين ب
علاوة على ذلك اشارت الابحاث انه من اعراض نقص فيتامين ب الاخرى اضطرابات النوم والغثيان وفقدان الشهية و الالتهابات المتكررة وافات الجلد .