ربي يجزاكم خيرر صباياا ساعدوني
ابي تترجمولي هالجمل للانقليزي
(انا اسفه
لا تنتظر شيء مني
واعتقد انك تعرف موقفي من الموضوع
وبالاساس لا اريد ان اتدخل بينكم)
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

I am sorry, do not expect any thing from me, and I think you know my position in this subject, and I did not want to interfere between you in the first place

I am sorry,
do not wait any thing from me,
and I think that you know my attitude in this matter
so, in fact I don't want to be insider between you
do not wait any thing from me,
and I think that you know my attitude in this matter
so, in fact I don't want to be insider between you
الصفحة الأخيرة