اليوم وصلنى على الايميل الخاص بى هذة الوحدة الجملية
من موقع اجنبى انا مشتركة فية
فايا ريت وحدة تقدر تترجم لنا بترونة..وطريقة عملة
- Medium (worsted) weight yarn: Small amounts each gold, copper and purple, or colors of choice
- Crochet hook size G or size needed to obtain gauge
- Tapestry needle Cathedral Window Motif Design by Dot Drake Skill Level Intermediate Finished Size Approximately 5 inches in diameter
Rnds 1-2 = approximately 2 1/4 inches in diameter
Special Stitch
Front post treble crochet (fptr): Yo hook twice, insert hook from front to back to front around post of indicated stitch, yo, draw lp through, 3 times
Rnd 1: With purple, ch 4, 11 dc in 4th ch from hook (3 sk chs count as first dc), join with sl st in 4th ch of beg ch-4, fasten off. (12 dc)
Rnd 2: Join copper in first dc of last rnd, ch 3 (counts as first dc), dc in same st, 2 dc in each rem dc around, join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3, fasten off. (24 dc)
Rnd 3: Join gold in first dc of last rnd, ch 1, sc in same st, *2 sc in next dc, fptr (see Special Stitch) around next dc in Rnd 1**, sc in next dc, rep from * around, ending last rep at **, join with sl st in beg sc, fasten off. (36 sc, 12 fptr)
Rnd 4: Join purple in first sc of last rnd, ch 3 (counts as first dc), *2 dc in next sc, dc in next sc, sk next fptr**, dc in next sc, rep from * around, ending last rep at **, join with sl st in 3 rd ch of beg ch-3, fasten off. (48 dc)
Rnd 5: Join gold in the first dc of any 2-dc group, ch 1, sc in same st, *(sc, ch 3, sc) in next dc, sc in next dc, fptr around next fptr of Rnd 3 below, sk next dc**, sc in next dc, rep from * around, ending last rep at **, join with sl st in beg sc, fasten off.
Note: To join motifs, join ch-3's as needed at points indicated by arrows, as follows: (ch 1, sl st in corresponding ch-3 sp on previous motif, ch 1).
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