ودة الباترون
Baby's 6-9 (12, 18-24) months
Chest 20 (22, 24) inches
Length 10 (11, 12) inches
Caron International's Simply Soft (100% acrylic; 6 oz/170 g, 330 yds/304 m):
#9719 Soft Pink (MC), 1 (1, 2) skeins
For embroidery, small amounts of each color are needed; colors listed are shown on model garment
Caron International's Simply Soft (100% acrylic; 3 oz/86 g, 165 yds/152 m):
# 9705 Sage; #9738 Violet; #9717 Orchid; #9726 Soft Yellow
Size US 7 and 9 (4.5 and 5.5 mm) straight needles or size to obtain gauge
Size US 7 (4.5 mm) 16-inch circular needle for finishing
Split-ring stitch markers or waste yarn
Stitch holders
Tapestry needle (tn)
In Stockinette stitch, using larger needles, 16 sts and 20 rows = 4"/10 cm
Garter stitch (Garter st)
Stockinette stitch (St st)
Using smaller needles and MC, cast on 40 (44, 48) sts.
استخدمى الابر الصغيرة واعملى 40 ( 44 , 48 ) غرزة
(RS) Begin Garter st; work even for 4 rows, ending with a WS row.
على وجة الشغل اشتغلى بنفس الغرزة عدل 4 سطور وتنتهى على ظهر الشغل
(RS) Change to larger needles and St st. Work even until piece measures 10 (11, 12) inches from beg, ending with a WS row.
على وجة الشغل هننقل الغرز على الابر الكبيرة واشتغلى جرسية لحد ما توصل القطعة الى 10 (11,12) بوصة وننتهى على الوجة الخلفى
Shape shoulders and neck: (RS): Bind off 11 (12, 13) sts at beg of next 2 rows for shoulders; place rem 18 (20, 22) sts on holder for neck.
فتحة الرقبة والكتف: على وجة الشغل: هنقفل 11 (12,13) غرزةمن بداية السطرين التاليين
Work as for Back until piece measures 7 (8, 9) inches from beg, ending with a WS row; place marker (pm) each side of center 6 sts.
هنشتغل زى الخلف لكن القطعة تبقى 7 (8,9)****ت وننتهى بالجهة الخلفية هنضع علامة فى نصف ال6 غرز
Shape placket: (RS) Work across to marker; join a second ball of yarn and BO center sts, work to end—17 (19, 21) sts each side.
Working both sides at same time, work even until piece measures same as back to shoulders, ending with a WS row.
Shape shoulders: (RS) Left front: Bind off 11 (12, 13) sts, work to end; place rem 6 (7, 8) sts on holder for hood.
Right front: Work 6 (7, 8) sts, place on holder for hood; bind off rem 11 (12, 13) sts.
Sew shoulder seams. Measure down 4 1/2 (5, 5 1/2) inches from shoulder seam on each side, back and front; pm for underarm.
With RS facing, using larger needles, beg at right front placket edge, join yarn and knit 6 (7, 8) sts from holder; pick up and knit 3 sts (1 in shoulder seam, 1 each side of seam), knit 18 (20, 22) sts from back neck holder, pick up and knit 3 sts at shoulder seam as before, knit 6 (7, 8) sts from front holder—36 (40, 44) sts.
(WS) Purl across, inc 8 (10, 12) sts evenly across back—44 (50, 56) sts. Cont in St st, work even hood measures 6 (6 1/2, 7) inches from beg. Bind off all stitches; fold hood in half with RS's facing each other and sew top seam.
With RS facing, using circular needle and MC, beg at center of lower end of placket, pick up and knit 78 (82, 86) sts evenly around neck placket and hood as follows: 3 sts across lower end of placket, 36 (38, 40) sts up side of placket and hood to top seam, 36 (38, 40) sts to lower edge of placket; 3 sts across lower end of placket, pm for beg of rnd.
Rnds 1 and 3: Purl.
Rnd 2: K2, k2tog, knit around to 4 sts before marker, ssk, k2.
Rnd 4: K1, k2tog, knit around to 3 sts before marker, ssk, k1.
Bind off all sts loosely in purl.
With RS facing, using smaller needles and MC, pick up and knit 36 (40, 44) sts from underarm marker, across shoulder, to opposite marker, picking up approx 4 sts for every 5 rows.
Beg Garter st; work even for 3 rows, ending with a WS row. Change to larger needles and St st.
Cont in St st, work 4 rows even, ending with a WS row.
(RS) Dec 1 st each side this row, then every 8 (7, 7) rows 3 (4, 5) times—28 (30, 32) sts.
Work even until sleeve measures 6 1/2 (7, 8 1/2)" from the beginning, end with a RS row.
(WS) Change to Garter st; work even for 4 rows, end RS row. Bind off all sts loosely on next (WS) row.
Sew sleeve and side seams. Using tn, weave in all ends.
Using colors shown (see photo and diagrams), or colors desired, work embroidery.
Work as shown in diagram at center front; work lower border motif evenly around lower edge, above Garter st edging; Work motifs on sleeve as shown in pho
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