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Open Question
Is Mcdonalds and Starbucks sending money to israel?
I know starbucks donates money to israel but I heard mcdonalds is too now is this true? If so please BOYCOTT
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by samr Member since: January 30, 2008 Yeah during the next two weeks Starbucks and McDonalds are donating their profits to Israel to help fund their terrorist war. i got a message on facebook from one of my friends! free palestine!!
by Handala
Member since: January 04, 2009 Total points: 103 (Level 1)
erm it's hard to say....but I think it's likely to be false. I mean look at it logically, over the past week or so Israel has been condemned all over the world, they're not exactly in everyones good books now are they. If you were a major company (like McDonalds), the last thing you're gonna do is donate money to an entity which is being reviled by nearly everyone out there.
McDonalds will be stupid if they openly declare their loyalty in this conflict, because whoever they choose to support, they're gonna be denounced by the other side.
I've recieve a few text messages today with the claim:
'Mcdonalds have announced they will be giving all their profits to Israel until next saturday'.
Pfftt! Come on people, as if Israel need charity. They're backed by the most powerful nation in the world, they're pockets are deep and full as it is. Whilst I'm not dismissing the possibility of their (McDonalds) acquaintance with Israel in the past, I think in this particular case, the claims are false.
Hope that helps
- 7 hours ago

Yes they are and they have been donationg money to israel for a long time. For me, nor more McDonalds or starbucks and I will tell everybody I see not to buy anything from them.
- 5 hours ago

yes they are visist this link boycott to the end
- 2 minutes ago