
كنزلايفنى @knzlayfn

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اللغة الأنجليزية

السلام عليكم ورحمة **** وبركاتة
أخواتي العزيزات:
أنامحتاجة مساعدتكم ضروري . أتمنى كل من يستطيع مساعدتي لايبخل علي ولو بالقليل .أبغى summaryلمسرحية the dear departed by stanley houghton من كتاب twenty-four يمكن بنات سنة ثانية أو ثالثة خذوها أتمنى انهم يساعدوي راح أدعي لكل شخص ساعدني بالتوفيق.وجزاكم **** خير...

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

بصراحة زعلتوني وماحد رد على موضوعي حطيت كل أملي فيكم على انكم تساعدوني .الي أعرفة انكم كريمين وحنا نستاهل الكرم ماأظن إلى هذي الدرجة موضوعي موحلو . مازال عندي أمل على انكم تساعدوني أبية بكرة ضروري اذا مايضايقكم .
وتكفون ردو علي بأقصى سرعة
ان شاء الله نشوفلك

محرومه للأبد
محرومه للأبد
انا شفت الموضوع وبصراحه ما فهمت وش تبين بالضبط
السلام عليكم
والله محد جبر خاطري غيركم مشكورين ياlittlebride و محرومة لللأبد كل الي أبغاه اختصار للمسرحية والله يعطيكم العافية..
السلام عليكم

هذا اللي قدرت عليه اختي

اتمني يفيدك
It is comedy in one act
adapted from the play by Stanley Houghton
Performed May 1997 by Spotlights Drama Group,
Shotley Bridge, County Durham, England
(formerly known as St Cuthbert's Drama Group)
Stanley Houghton wrote the original version of this play in 1911. His version is now out of copyright. Spotlights Drama Group updated it and performed it as a one-act comedy for fundraising purposes. The action takes place in a provincial town on a Saturday afternoon

Amelia decides to help herself to the cabinet and television before sister Elizabeth arrives. All proceeds well until Victoria goes to her grandpa's room to find him very much alive. Grandpa, alias Abel Merryweather proceeds downstairs to a shocked family.

In the farce that follows, undertaker Mrs Farthingale turns up and is disgruntled not to find a corpse. Abel then recognizes his cabinet and television and asks Amelia why she has taken them.

Elizabeth and her husband Ben try to gain the upper hand by saying Amelia and her husband Henry had stolen it. Abel then states he has made a will which says his estate will go to the daughter with whom he is living at the time of his death.

Following the ensuing argument, during which the children Victoria Slater and Jimmy Jordan are sent out to play, the old man states his intention to make a new will as he is to get married to the barmaid from the Ring O' Bells pub.

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