يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

Dear Mom,
I want you to know how grateful I am for all that you have been to me and done for me.
Thank you for being so amazing. You have given me unconditional love, even when I didn't deserve it. I have learned how to love others from watching you love
You have been there for me in the happy times and sad, in the easy times and rough patches. You have always comforted me whenever I need it. I have learned how to comfort others from your compassion
You have been so forgiving of all my faults, issues, and self-centeredness. Even when I do something that should be unforgivable, you find a way to forgive me anyway. I learned that forgiveness isn't easy, but necessary from experiencing your forgiveness
You have kept me laughing. It is from your sense of humor that I learned to take it easy in life
You provided me with everything I needed. It may not have been what everyone else had, or what I may have wanted, but you made sure I had what I needed
It is because of your presence that I know how to live my life, how to treat others, how to make good decisions.
I am thankful for you, and your presence in my life. I could not be who I am without you to guide me, to teach me, to love me, to make me laugh, and to put me to work. I love you.
Love always,
I want you to know how grateful I am for all that you have been to me and done for me.
Thank you for being so amazing. You have given me unconditional love, even when I didn't deserve it. I have learned how to love others from watching you love
You have been there for me in the happy times and sad, in the easy times and rough patches. You have always comforted me whenever I need it. I have learned how to comfort others from your compassion
You have been so forgiving of all my faults, issues, and self-centeredness. Even when I do something that should be unforgivable, you find a way to forgive me anyway. I learned that forgiveness isn't easy, but necessary from experiencing your forgiveness
You have kept me laughing. It is from your sense of humor that I learned to take it easy in life
You provided me with everything I needed. It may not have been what everyone else had, or what I may have wanted, but you made sure I had what I needed
It is because of your presence that I know how to live my life, how to treat others, how to make good decisions.
I am thankful for you, and your presence in my life. I could not be who I am without you to guide me, to teach me, to love me, to make me laugh, and to put me to work. I love you.
Love always,

الصفحة الأخيرة
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