
نغــــــم @nghm_7

محررة برونزية

تكفوون بنات صححوا اللي كتبته ...

اللغة الأنجليزية

في البداية .. احب اهنيكم بمناسبة قرب عيد الاضحى المبارك فكل عام وانتم بصحة وسلامه
حبيبـــــــــاتي مثل ما ذكرت بالعنوان طلب تصحيح اخطائي الكتابيه من جميع النواحي سواء كان من ناحية القرامر او structure تبع الجمله
وطبعا المطلوب مني كتابة مقال عن sport وبعناصر معينه وبصراحه حاولت بقدر الامكان فأرجوا منكم تصحيحه
باالنسبة لــ introduction و first body تم تصحيحه لكن انا راح اعرض عليكم لتصحيح second body و third body و conclusion
باالنسبة لــــ second body طلبت الاستاذه كتابة عن intertainment في الرياضة ,وطلبت التكلم عن عناصر معينه في هذا البرجراف وهي meeting new people
enjoying spare time
individual activity / with group

فكتبت : actully,sport provides happy,enjoyment and is often associated with fun. Sometimes,when participants go to sport clubs in order to practice sport ,they will meet new people and they might make a good relationship and spend fun times with them . Practicing any kinds of sport is enjoying spare time and it gives leisure,recreation and interesting. Also,some people like sport as a hoppy and they are interesting when they practice it .Sport might be individual activity like swimming , bike racing and fencing or with group as in matches. Therefore,sport actully very important for our psychology and leisure

اما third body فطلبت ان اكتب عن industry في الرياضة وبعناصر معينه أيضا
وهي : sponsors

فكتبت : Some sponsors are supporting financially sport clubs in order to attract the audience. on the other hand ,TV channels compete to have a great number of viewers. Then, to get important ads with the greatest payment. Also, sometime ,sport clubs are supporting financially the best player who is professional player in order to join him in another team. So, sponsors have a great supporting in sport fields

اما conclusion فهو تلخيص ما كتبته في البرجرافات كلها فقد كتبت في البودي الأول عن اهمية الصحة في الرياضة اما البودي الثاني مثل ما شفتوا كتبت عن التسلية في الرياضة اما البودي الثالث عن indudtry
فحاولت اكتب ذلك بقدر الامكان وطلبت كذلك كتابة رأيي
فكتبت : In many ways, sport is important for our health and keep the blood pressure moderate, stay in shape and strengthen our muscles. In my openion,sport doesnt have to mean competitive teams and expensive equipment but it should always be fun . On the other hand,most of sponsors have great role to support sport fields

وأخيرا ... طلبت مننا كل برجراف نكتبه اكثر شيىء 7 اسطر واقل شيىء 5

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

هلا اختي انا حاولت اصحح لك بعض الاشياء ع السريع وان شاءالله باقي البنات يساعدونك...

Actually, sport provides happiness, enjoyment and fun. Usually, when people go to sport clubs in order to practice sport, they meet new people, make good relationships and spend funny times. Practicing any kind of sport means enjoying spare time and having leisure and recreation. Also, some people like sport as a hobby as they are interesting in practicing it .Sport might be individual activity like swimming, bike racing and fencing or with a group as in matches. Therefore, sport is very important for our mental and physical health.

Some sponsors support sport clubs financially in order to attract the audiences. On the other hand, TV channels compete to have a great number of viewers and, in turn, to get important ads with higher prices. Also, sport clubs usually train their players professionally in order to make use of them by selling them for other clubs. So, sponsors have a great role in developing sport.

In many ways, sport is important for our health as it keeps the blood pressure moderate. Moreover, it helps us stay physically fit as it strengthens our muscles. In my opinion, sport doesn't mean only competitive teams or expensive equipment but it should rather mean fun.
حبيبتي ( تعيسه ) مشكوووووووووووووووووووووووووره اختي .. الله يعطيك العافية يارب ويفرج عليك دنيا وآخره

بنات اذا فيه اخطاء غير اللي صححته اختي (تعيسه ) بليز صححوها .. وراح ادعيلكم ان شاء الله في ظهر الغيب ...