,,.::تكفووون ساعدونى الله يخليكم,,::.؟؟


:( السلام عليكم بنات عالم حوواء تكفوون ابغى بحث ((انجليززى)) عن التلووث او عن زياره الاماكن فى بلده,,..//"" وتكوون بلغه الانجليزيه********* تكفوون لا تفشلوونى :eek: :(

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

+!! إنسانه !!+
+!! إنسانه !!+
بنت ابوها2000
بنت ابوها2000
:( >><<"فاااااااااا 15 وحده دتخل ولا وحده اعطتنى موضوع ***والله زعلت***
+!! إنسانه !!+
+!! إنسانه !!+
رديت عليج أختي .. نسخي اللي يعجبج ..

كلهن مواضيع حلوة
بنت ابوها2000
بنت ابوها2000
:26: تسلمى حبيبتى على الرابط والله يجزاك كل خير***ودمتى للمنتدى يا قلبى***:)
Pollution, contamination of the environment by man-made substances or energy that has bad effects on living or non-living matter. This contamination of air, water, or soil materials interferes with human health, the quality of life, or the natural functioning of ecosystems. Many substances that can be pollutants also occur naturally, in which case they are not classified as pollution. However, other pollutants result entirely from human activity, such as most toxic organic compounds and artificial forms of radioactivity, particularly from nuclear waste.

Pollution can be categorized according to the medium in which it occurs: atmospheric pollution, freshwater and sea pollution , or land pollution . However, transfers can occur in both directions between the atmosphere, water, and the land, with consequences for both the spread of pollution and its effects. For example, the emission of sulphur dioxide—caused by the combustion of fossil fuels such as gas, petroleum, and coal—into the air can result in the acidification of soils and lakes when it reaches the Earth’s surface. Pollution can also be classified based on the type of pollutant, such as pesticides and other persistent toxic organic compounds, heavy metals, radioactivity, human and animal effluent, and toxic gases. The most familiar forms of pollution result from the chemical properties of the substances concerned, but the physical properties may also be important, for example ionizing radiation, noise pollution, and excessive heat.