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اللغة الأنجليزية

ما الفرق بين The Diffrerce between high school and collage
بالعربي ما الفرق بين الكليات والمدارس.. تكفون يابنات حواء أبي فزعتكم

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

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The Difference Between High School and College

In high school, you do homework. In College, you study.
In College, the professors can tell you the answer to a question without looking in the teacher’s guide.
In College, there are no tardy slips. Actually, nobody cares if you go to class or not, once you have paid your tuition.
In High School you were told what classes to take. In College, you get choose; that is, as long as the class isn’t closed out, doesn’t conflict with your other classes and you have meet all the prerequisites.
In High School, your teachers wanted you to pass so you wouldn’t be back again the next year. In College, the professors could care less.
In High School, you could always sweet-talk your teacher if you messed up. In College, you’re lucky to ever talk with your professor.
In College, the average test counts for a bigger percentage of your final grade than your High School final exams did.
In High School, if the teacher said "Good morning," you just stared at them. In College, if the professor says, "Good morning." You write it down.
In College you can have pizza for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
In High School, you couldn’t leave school for lunch because it wasn’t allowed. In College, you can’t leave school for lunch because you can’t afford it.
In High School, you fell asleep in class because you had to come to school so early. In College, no matter how late your first class is, you still fall asleep.
In High School, if you were smart everybody knew it. In College, if you were smart in High School – so what?
In High School, the labs were a chance to goof off. In College, the lab classes require more time than all the other classes put together.
In High School, if you studied you would do well on a test. In College, you can know everything and still fail the test or you can know nothing and make an A.
In College, you learn that you are one of those people your parents warned you about.
In College, you learn that Psychology is really Biology, that Biology is really Chemistry, that Chemistry is really Physics, and that Physics is really Math.
In High School, your parents were the dumbest people in the world. In College, your parents get a whole lot smarter.
In High School, everything is all right if you are part of the crowd. In College, it is possible to be alone even when you are surrounded by people.
In High School, you have friends. In College, you have real friends.
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ام لالي
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أخت الراحل 2009
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