السلام عليكم
تكفووووووووووووون يابنات ابغا بحث لمادة القرامر انا بالجامعه والدكتوره طلبتنا اي بحث بس قالت افضل حول القرامر
اسال الله ان يفرج همها ويعلي شأنها ويرفع قدرها ويرزقها من حيث لاتحتسب

الدرة المكنون @aldr_almknon_8
محررة برونزية
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

Significance Of Grammar In Language
To Maintain Uniformity
If everyone starts using language as per his/her own whims and fancies, then the language will have too many variations. It will give language an ambiguity and vagueness. More than that, we would have miscommunications and communication problems, as no one language would be accepted as a universal standard.
To Be Legible
If the language doesn’t make sense, it will not ****. An improperly constructed sentence may not communicate the intended information to the listener or reader. Use of wrong words or mismatched punctuation can actually change the entire meaning of the sentence, thereby leading to miscommunication. You need to understand that the end purpose of grammar is communication of thoughts and ideas through language. If you are not understood, then the whole point of communication is lost. Imagine you going to a distant land and using a dictionary of local language to talk. You may pick the right words but the way you put them together can be really funny or even dangerous.
To Sound Good & Interesting
A grammatically sound piece of prose or verse sounds good and interesting. When you are talking or writing something without proper grammar, it actually makes the recipient disinterested. For the language to have a flow and seem interesting, it is very necessary to abide by the rules of grammar in the sentences. The communication becomes ineffective, if the other person is disinterested in what you are putting forth.
Language used in business and professional speaking and documents should be free from any grammatical error, as the whole responsibility of pushing deals through and effective interrelated **** is dependent on these documents and discussions. Any small error in transfer of data, any hint of force in a request or any touch of irreverence in a request can spoil the entire correspondence and cause major loss to you and your company. These kinds of mistakes are not uncommon in the wake of grammatical errors.
To Break It & Make It
This is strictly for people who do literary ****. Many a times you deliberately tend to write something which is grammatically incorrect, just to stretch a point or show some relevant difference. In case your writing contains numerous grammatical errors already, such a ploy will not succeed as it will just look like another mistake
To Maintain Uniformity
If everyone starts using language as per his/her own whims and fancies, then the language will have too many variations. It will give language an ambiguity and vagueness. More than that, we would have miscommunications and communication problems, as no one language would be accepted as a universal standard.
To Be Legible
If the language doesn’t make sense, it will not ****. An improperly constructed sentence may not communicate the intended information to the listener or reader. Use of wrong words or mismatched punctuation can actually change the entire meaning of the sentence, thereby leading to miscommunication. You need to understand that the end purpose of grammar is communication of thoughts and ideas through language. If you are not understood, then the whole point of communication is lost. Imagine you going to a distant land and using a dictionary of local language to talk. You may pick the right words but the way you put them together can be really funny or even dangerous.
To Sound Good & Interesting
A grammatically sound piece of prose or verse sounds good and interesting. When you are talking or writing something without proper grammar, it actually makes the recipient disinterested. For the language to have a flow and seem interesting, it is very necessary to abide by the rules of grammar in the sentences. The communication becomes ineffective, if the other person is disinterested in what you are putting forth.
Language used in business and professional speaking and documents should be free from any grammatical error, as the whole responsibility of pushing deals through and effective interrelated **** is dependent on these documents and discussions. Any small error in transfer of data, any hint of force in a request or any touch of irreverence in a request can spoil the entire correspondence and cause major loss to you and your company. These kinds of mistakes are not uncommon in the wake of grammatical errors.
To Break It & Make It
This is strictly for people who do literary ****. Many a times you deliberately tend to write something which is grammatically incorrect, just to stretch a point or show some relevant difference. In case your writing contains numerous grammatical errors already, such a ploy will not succeed as it will just look like another mistake

؟What is grammar
Language consists of words - spoken or written - which we use to communicate with other people.Grammar is the structure of that language: the way it's used, and the conventions that help us understand what is meant from the context. We learn grammar as toddlers when we learn to speak, so if you speak correctly it's likely that your children will too, without ever having been taught formally.
Small children seem to have an intuitive grasp of language structure - which is why they sometimes make mistakes, assuming principles that are not always true. If you hear a child talk about 'two mouses' he is not repeating something he has heard; he has understood the concept that we add the sound '-es' to a word ending in a 's' sound, to create a plural. If he says, 'the two mouses runned away', you know he has also understood that to create a past tense we usually add the ending '-ed' to a verb. Obviously there's no need to 'correct' a child who uses unconventional (though logical) forms like this; he will gradually learn the various exceptions as he grows up. Many parents would say,'Yes, the two mice ran away' which gives the correct grammar while agreeing with the content of what the child has said; that's how most grammar is learned.
Why study grammar?
If it's intuitive, and learned in the toddler years, what's the point of learning about parts of speeh and grammar in general?
Firstly, it can help us in writing if we know how our language is correctly used. Conversation tends to be casual, but when we write letters, or job applications, or articles, it's important to know correct grammar if we are not to appear ignorant. For instance, the phrase 'could have' is often pronounced 'could've' when we're talking. Unfortunately, people who don't understand grammar sometimes write or type it as 'could of', which sounds the same but is incorrect. Spell-checkers don't help with this kind of mistake, nor with the differences between 'your' and 'you're' or 'its' and 'it's'.
Secondly, if you learn a foreign language when you're a teenager or adult, the grammar is likely to **** differently. If you learn as a small child, you will understand this intuitively, as with a first language. But by the time we get to eight or nine, our brains have become somewhat hard-wired as far as language goes, and it's much more difficult to learn a new one. So it becomes important to see how the grammatical structure ****s - and unless we understand English grammar first, that's almost impossible.
Thirdly, it's interesting to study grammar, so long as you don't treat it as a chore!
Parts of speech
Our language has around a quarter of a million distinct words. Amazingly, these can be divided, grammatically speaking, into just eight kinds of word, which are known as 'parts of speech'. These are:
The first words your child learns as a baby are likely to be nouns, which are - broadly - words describing things, people or places.Ball, or cat, ormilk, or fire-engineare all examples of nouns. A 'proper noun' is a variety of noun which we usually write with a capital letter, which gives a specific name to a particular example of a noun. So 'man' is an ordinary noun, but 'Grandpa' or 'Mr Smith' are proper nouns.
A noun doesn't have to describe something we can see or touch, although at first these are the nouns your toddler will understand. 'Abstract nouns' describe concepts: for instance beauty, love, greed, happiness.
For considerably more detail, see the Nouns in English grammar page.
When your child starts stringing words together to make phrases, they will almost certainly include a verb as well as a noun. A verb is an important part of speech that describes something that is happening, or being done. Examples of verbs are: run, jump, think, like, find. A toddler can communicate pretty well with just nouns and verbs: 'Johnny wantbiscuit', 'cuddleMummy', 'seeTeletubbies'.
Verbs have many forms that help us understand who is being referred to, when the action takes place, and so on. But they all form out of the basicroot which is the simplest form of the verb, the one which a child almost certainly learns first.
For a lot more detail and information, see the Verbs in English grammar page.
If we only had nouns to describe people, places and things, our language would get rather convoluted and awkward. So we use pronouns- simple parts of speech - to refer to nouns we have already mentioned, or which we assume. Examples of pronouns are: me, you, it, him. As your child progresses through toddlerhood you'll notice that he stops saying, 'Johnny want biscuit', and learns instead, 'I want biscuit'. If you think about it, it's pretty complex that we all refer to ourselves as 'I' even though we all have different names. But, if you use use the pronouns correctly, he will pick up their correct use without too much difficulty, even if he makes a few mistakes along the way.
More information about the different types can be found on the Pronouns in English grammarpage.
Since not every noun has a specific label, we can use another part of speech - an adjective - to describe certain aspects of someone or something we want to talk about. An adjective tells us more about a noun. Examples of adjectives are: nice, greedy, happy, smart. Colours are a form of adjective too. So we might talk about a tall man; a talkative child; a green car; a bouncy ball. A sentence usually makes sense without any adjectives, but they add a bit of interest to our conversation.
Two very important adjectives are the articles, 'the' and 'a' (or 'an'). These are also used to refer to specific or general nouns - as I've already done in the examples above. We never find these words used on their own; they always refer to a person, place or thing.
For more about adjectives and their various uses, see the Adjectives in English Grammar page.
Another part of speech that helps us explain in more detail what we are talking about is an adverb. Adverbs tell us more about the verbs we are using, and often (though not always) end in -ly, such as nicely, greedily, happily, smartly. So we might say: he walked slowly; she spoke thoughtfully;the children played noisily.
More information can be found on the page about Adverbs in English grammar.
The five parts of speech described briefly above form the majority of our conversation. But there are three more important types of word. A preposition is a rather long word describing a word that is usually very short, such as:by, with, after, before. A preposition shows us the relationship of one object to another. So we might say: the cat is in the garden; the girl sat betweenher parents; my shoes are underthe bed.
Another long word describing something short is a conjunction. This is a word that links words or parts of sentences together, or contrasts them, such as and, so, until, therefore. So we might say: James andJohn were asleep, butJoshua was awake; I couldn't get to sleep while the radio was on; ifyou're ready, we'll go out.
Finally, and relatively unimportant, comes the interjection. These are just simple words that usually express strong emotion, coming alone or at the start of a sentence, such as Oh!, Well, or Hooray!. So we might say,Wow! That was brilliant; Goodness, I don't know how you did that; Oh boy, that was tricky.
Playing with grammar
Not all words are as easy to categorise as the examples given, but every word in the English language fits into one of the above eight parts of speech. If your children enjoy this kind of structure, you could try making word cards of different colours,or highlighting phrases on paper with different coloured pens, depending on the parts of speech. It's best to begin with simple phrases, eg Jack and Jill went up the hill.
Let's make the verb red. ;Where is the verb? That's the thing that describes what happens. It's the word 'went'. Let's make the nouns brown. Where are the nouns? There are two people and one thing: Jackand Jillare proper nouns, hillis an ordinary noun. What words are left: and, up and the. 'and' is a conjunction, joining Jack with Jill in the sentence, 'the' is an article, so it's an adjective, and 'up' is a preposition. If we make conjunctions green, adjectives pink and prepositions purple, the sentence will read:Jackand Jill went up the hill.
If you repeat this kind of thing occasionally for fun, or when your children ask about words, grammar won't seem like a tedious thing to study but may become a fascinating puzzle to **** out. Not everyone will find it interest, but if your child does it's a useful start to any kind of linguistics, modern languages or classics study. It can also help in categorising and logical thinking.
Language consists of words - spoken or written - which we use to communicate with other people.Grammar is the structure of that language: the way it's used, and the conventions that help us understand what is meant from the context. We learn grammar as toddlers when we learn to speak, so if you speak correctly it's likely that your children will too, without ever having been taught formally.
Small children seem to have an intuitive grasp of language structure - which is why they sometimes make mistakes, assuming principles that are not always true. If you hear a child talk about 'two mouses' he is not repeating something he has heard; he has understood the concept that we add the sound '-es' to a word ending in a 's' sound, to create a plural. If he says, 'the two mouses runned away', you know he has also understood that to create a past tense we usually add the ending '-ed' to a verb. Obviously there's no need to 'correct' a child who uses unconventional (though logical) forms like this; he will gradually learn the various exceptions as he grows up. Many parents would say,'Yes, the two mice ran away' which gives the correct grammar while agreeing with the content of what the child has said; that's how most grammar is learned.
Why study grammar?
If it's intuitive, and learned in the toddler years, what's the point of learning about parts of speeh and grammar in general?
Firstly, it can help us in writing if we know how our language is correctly used. Conversation tends to be casual, but when we write letters, or job applications, or articles, it's important to know correct grammar if we are not to appear ignorant. For instance, the phrase 'could have' is often pronounced 'could've' when we're talking. Unfortunately, people who don't understand grammar sometimes write or type it as 'could of', which sounds the same but is incorrect. Spell-checkers don't help with this kind of mistake, nor with the differences between 'your' and 'you're' or 'its' and 'it's'.
Secondly, if you learn a foreign language when you're a teenager or adult, the grammar is likely to **** differently. If you learn as a small child, you will understand this intuitively, as with a first language. But by the time we get to eight or nine, our brains have become somewhat hard-wired as far as language goes, and it's much more difficult to learn a new one. So it becomes important to see how the grammatical structure ****s - and unless we understand English grammar first, that's almost impossible.
Thirdly, it's interesting to study grammar, so long as you don't treat it as a chore!
Parts of speech
Our language has around a quarter of a million distinct words. Amazingly, these can be divided, grammatically speaking, into just eight kinds of word, which are known as 'parts of speech'. These are:
- nouns
- verbs
- prounouns
- adjectives
- adverbs
- prepositions
- conjunctions
- interjections
The first words your child learns as a baby are likely to be nouns, which are - broadly - words describing things, people or places.Ball, or cat, ormilk, or fire-engineare all examples of nouns. A 'proper noun' is a variety of noun which we usually write with a capital letter, which gives a specific name to a particular example of a noun. So 'man' is an ordinary noun, but 'Grandpa' or 'Mr Smith' are proper nouns.
A noun doesn't have to describe something we can see or touch, although at first these are the nouns your toddler will understand. 'Abstract nouns' describe concepts: for instance beauty, love, greed, happiness.
For considerably more detail, see the Nouns in English grammar page.
When your child starts stringing words together to make phrases, they will almost certainly include a verb as well as a noun. A verb is an important part of speech that describes something that is happening, or being done. Examples of verbs are: run, jump, think, like, find. A toddler can communicate pretty well with just nouns and verbs: 'Johnny wantbiscuit', 'cuddleMummy', 'seeTeletubbies'.
Verbs have many forms that help us understand who is being referred to, when the action takes place, and so on. But they all form out of the basicroot which is the simplest form of the verb, the one which a child almost certainly learns first.
For a lot more detail and information, see the Verbs in English grammar page.
If we only had nouns to describe people, places and things, our language would get rather convoluted and awkward. So we use pronouns- simple parts of speech - to refer to nouns we have already mentioned, or which we assume. Examples of pronouns are: me, you, it, him. As your child progresses through toddlerhood you'll notice that he stops saying, 'Johnny want biscuit', and learns instead, 'I want biscuit'. If you think about it, it's pretty complex that we all refer to ourselves as 'I' even though we all have different names. But, if you use use the pronouns correctly, he will pick up their correct use without too much difficulty, even if he makes a few mistakes along the way.
More information about the different types can be found on the Pronouns in English grammarpage.
Since not every noun has a specific label, we can use another part of speech - an adjective - to describe certain aspects of someone or something we want to talk about. An adjective tells us more about a noun. Examples of adjectives are: nice, greedy, happy, smart. Colours are a form of adjective too. So we might talk about a tall man; a talkative child; a green car; a bouncy ball. A sentence usually makes sense without any adjectives, but they add a bit of interest to our conversation.
Two very important adjectives are the articles, 'the' and 'a' (or 'an'). These are also used to refer to specific or general nouns - as I've already done in the examples above. We never find these words used on their own; they always refer to a person, place or thing.
For more about adjectives and their various uses, see the Adjectives in English Grammar page.
Another part of speech that helps us explain in more detail what we are talking about is an adverb. Adverbs tell us more about the verbs we are using, and often (though not always) end in -ly, such as nicely, greedily, happily, smartly. So we might say: he walked slowly; she spoke thoughtfully;the children played noisily.
More information can be found on the page about Adverbs in English grammar.
The five parts of speech described briefly above form the majority of our conversation. But there are three more important types of word. A preposition is a rather long word describing a word that is usually very short, such as:by, with, after, before. A preposition shows us the relationship of one object to another. So we might say: the cat is in the garden; the girl sat betweenher parents; my shoes are underthe bed.
Another long word describing something short is a conjunction. This is a word that links words or parts of sentences together, or contrasts them, such as and, so, until, therefore. So we might say: James andJohn were asleep, butJoshua was awake; I couldn't get to sleep while the radio was on; ifyou're ready, we'll go out.
Finally, and relatively unimportant, comes the interjection. These are just simple words that usually express strong emotion, coming alone or at the start of a sentence, such as Oh!, Well, or Hooray!. So we might say,Wow! That was brilliant; Goodness, I don't know how you did that; Oh boy, that was tricky.
Playing with grammar
Not all words are as easy to categorise as the examples given, but every word in the English language fits into one of the above eight parts of speech. If your children enjoy this kind of structure, you could try making word cards of different colours,or highlighting phrases on paper with different coloured pens, depending on the parts of speech. It's best to begin with simple phrases, eg Jack and Jill went up the hill.
Let's make the verb red. ;Where is the verb? That's the thing that describes what happens. It's the word 'went'. Let's make the nouns brown. Where are the nouns? There are two people and one thing: Jackand Jillare proper nouns, hillis an ordinary noun. What words are left: and, up and the. 'and' is a conjunction, joining Jack with Jill in the sentence, 'the' is an article, so it's an adjective, and 'up' is a preposition. If we make conjunctions green, adjectives pink and prepositions purple, the sentence will read:Jackand Jill went up the hill.
If you repeat this kind of thing occasionally for fun, or when your children ask about words, grammar won't seem like a tedious thing to study but may become a fascinating puzzle to **** out. Not everyone will find it interest, but if your child does it's a useful start to any kind of linguistics, modern languages or classics study. It can also help in categorising and logical thinking.

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