السلام عليكم ورحة الله وبركاته
لو سمحتوا ساعدوني ابي لنقطتين من 3 نقاط تلخيص في ثلاث جمل فقط ..
Conferences can provide very effective professional development opportunities, particularly when they are part of a teacher’s ongoing professional development plan. A detailed listing of selected conferences is located on the ATA online events calendar.
Community/Service Organizations
Community and/or service organizations provide an opportunity for teachers and school administrators to develop leadership skills and gain important knowledge related to their role and community context. Examples of community/service organizations include church, service clubs, 4-H, Scouts, Girl Guides and sporting groups.
Curriculum Mapping
Curriculum maps are tools to organize teaching. They outline a sequence for delivering content and provide a clear scope for what must be taught to all students as specified in the provincial curriculum. Curriculum maps, which can be aligned both horizontally and vertically, organize content, skills, assessments, and resources over time. A curriculum map can also serve as a tool for collecting data about the implemented curriculum in a school and in a district—the instruction that students are receiving. By mapping what's actually taught and when and aligning it with assessment data, teachers can modify instruction
بليز ساعدوني انا ميح بتلخيص مااعرف ..
الموسوسه سابقا @almososh_sabka
عضوة جديدة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.
الصفحة الأخيرة
ألأول التلخيص من خلال حذف الأجزاء الغير مهمة من المقال و إبقاء المهم مثل
Conferences provide effective development opportunities, particularly for ongoing development plan. detailed Conferences listing located on the ATA online events calendar.
الطريقة الثانية هي بتلخيص المهم بكلمات الكاتب و اسلوبه
Conferences are efficient Career Development strategy especially for on-going plans, a list of conferences available can be found at the ATA online events Calendar