جاكيت جميل جدا صورة وباترون ..

الكروشيه والتريكو

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم..

في البداية أحب أشكر كل من نفعني في الكروشية حتى أنجزت الكثير بفضل الله أولا ثم بفضل البنات في هذا المنتدى وخارجه..

وهذا باترون لجاكيت جنني حاولت فيه ولا قدرت أسويه ..
يمكن أنتم تقدروا تسوونه بالعافية عليكم يارب..


الغرزة من قريب :



Shown in size Small.

Directions are for women’s size Small. Changes for sizes Medium and Large are in parentheses.

Bust (closed) – 31(37-43)”.
Length – 14(14 3/4-15 1/2)”.
Note: All measurements do not include edging.

BERROCO ZEN (50 grs), 5(6-7) balls #8257 Sakura Iro.
Crochet hook, size 6.00 mm (J) OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE.

One rep of Pat St = 1 1/2”; 5 rows = 3” in crocheted pat with size 6.00 mm (J) crochet hook.

This garment is worked in one piece to armholes, then split for back and fronts.

With crochet hook, ch 125(149-173).
Row 1: Dc in 4th ch from hook, * ch 2, skip 2 ch’s, dc in next ch, ch 2, skip 2 ch’s, work (dc, ch 1, dc) all in next ch, rep from * across – 40(48-56) ch-2 spaces and 21(25-29) dc, ch 1, dc shells. Turn.
Row 2: Sl st into first ch-1 space, ch 4 (counts as 1 dc and ch 1), dc in same ch-1 space, * ch 2, skip 1 dc and ch-2, dc in next dc, ch 2, skip 2 ch’s and 1 dc, work (dc, ch 1, dc) all in next ch-1 space, rep from * across – 40(48-56) ch-2 spaces and 21(25-29) dc, ch 1, dc shells. Turn.
Row 3: Ch 1, sc in next ch-1 space, * ch 2, skip 1 dc and 2 ch’s, sc in next dc, ch 2, skip 2 ch’s and 1 dc, sc in next ch-1 space, rep from * across – 40(48-56) ch-2 spaces and 41(49-57) sc’s.
Row 4: Ch 4 (counts as 1 dc and ch 1), dc in first sc, * ch 2, skip 2 ch’s, dc in next sc, ch 2, skip 2 ch’s, work (dc, ch 1, dc) all in next sc, rep from * across – 40(48-56) ch-2 spaces and 21(25-29) dc, ch 1, dc shells. Turn. Rep Rows 2, 3 and 4 for crocheted pat. Work even until piece measures approximately 6” from beg, end with Row 4.
Right Front: Next Row: Work Row 2, repeating from * 4(5-6) times, ch 2, skip 2 ch’s, dc in next dc. Leave the rest of row unworked for back and left front. Turn – 9(11-13) ch-2 spaces and 5(6-7) dc, ch 1, dc shells. Work 1 row even. Turn.
Shape Neck: Dec Row (RS): Sl st into 1st sc, ch-2 space and next sc, ch 5 (counts as 1 dc and ch 2), * work (dc, ch 1, dc) all in next sc, ch 2, dc in next sc, ch 2, rep from * across, end dc in next sc. Turn.
Shape Cap Sleeve: Inc/Dec Row: Ch 4 (counts as 1 dc and ch 1), dc in 1st dc, ch 2, dc in same dc, * ch 2, work (dc, ch 1, dc) all in next ch-1 space, ch 2, dc in next dc, rep from * across, end work (dc, ch 1, dc) in last ch-1 space – 1 ch-2 space inc’d at armhole edge and 1 ch-2 space dec’s at neck edge. Continue in this manner to dec 1 ch-2 space at neck edge 4(5-6) times more and inc 1 ch-2 space at armhole edge once more. When all decs and incs have been worked, work even on 5(6-7) ch-2 spaces and 3(3-4) dc, ch 1, dc shells until armhole measures approximately 7(7 3/4-8 1/2)”. Fasten off.
Back: With RS facing, skip 1 ch-2 space, 1 dc, ch 1, 1 dc shell, then 1 ch-2 space after right front. Join yarn in next dc on last row of body, ch 5 (counts as 1 dc and ch 2), * work (dc, ch 1, dc) all in next ch-1 space, ch 2, skip 2 ch’s, dc in next dc, ch 2, rep from * 8(10-12) times more, end dc in next dc – 18(22-26) ch-2 spaces and 9(11-13) dc, ch 1, dc shells. Work even for 2 rows, then inc 1 ch-2 space at each edge twice for cap sleeves in same manner as for right front. Work even on 22(26-30) ch-2 spaces and 11(13-15) dc, ch 1, dc shells until armholes measure same as for right front, ending on same row. Fasten off.
Left Front: With RS facing, skip 1 ch-2 space, 1 dc, ch 1, 1 dc shell, then 1 ch-2 space after back. Join yarn in next dc on last row of body, Work left front to correspond to right front, reversing shaping of neck and cap sleeve.

Steam piece with hot steam iron and a pressing cloth. Sew shoulder seams.
Body Edging: With RS facing, using crochet hook, join yarn in ch-2 space in left front corner on lower edge of back, ch 6 (counts as 1 dc and ch 3), * dc in next ch-2 space, ch 3, rep from * across back; continue to work ch 3, dc along front and neck edges, working into body at even intervals so that the dc’s are spaced the same as on lower edge of back, join with a sl st in 3rd st of ch-6.
Rnd 2: Ch 4 (counts as 1 dc and ch 1), * (dc in next ch, ch 1) 3 times, dc in next dc, ch 1, rep from * around, end (dc in next ch, ch 1) 3 times, join with a sl st in 3rd st of ch-4.
Rnd 3: Sl st into 1st ch-1 space, ch 4 (counts as 1 dc and ch 1), * dc in next ch-1 space, ch 1, rep from * around, join with a sl st in 3rd st of ch-4. Fasten off.
Sleeve Edging: Beg at underarm, work same as body edging.
Sash: With crochet hook, make a chain 61(67-73)” long making sure to have a multiple of 3 + 9 ch’s.
Row 1: Dc in 9th ch from hook, * ch 3, skip 3 ch’s, dc in next ch, rep from * across.
Edging rnd: Ch 1, work 6 sc’s into first ch-3 space, * work 3 sc’s into next ch-3 space, rep from * to the other end of sash, work 9 sc’s in last ch-3 space, then working on the other side of sash, rep from * around, end work 3 sc’s in last ch-3 space, join with a sl st in ch-1. Fasten off. Weave sash in and out of Rnd 1 of body edging along lower edge of garment. Tie at front, wrapping as in photo if desired.

بالتوفيق يارب..

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

بنوتة خطورة
بنوتة خطورة
وينك يا نونا

ترجمى لنا البترون الله يخليكى

و شكرا لك يا مشتاقة الحنان
وينك يا نونا ترجمى لنا البترون الله يخليكى و شكرا لك يا مشتاقة الحنان
موجودة ومن عينيا
بس انا باعتذر اليومين دول ممكن تستنوا بعد العيد كل سنه وانتم طيبين
الشغل اليومين دول كتير بالنهار والصلاة بالليل
مشتاقة الجنان
بنوتة خطورة .. مشكورة على المرور..
مشتاقة الجنان
نونا توتا: إيوه ننتظر ليش لا ..
الله يسعد أيامك على طيب مرورك يا عسل..

دمت بخير يارب..
وردتي الندية 21